Subject: You need to eat more fat and cholesterol...

Guys, this is especially important if you want to maintain your testosterone levels as you get older.

I know this sounds absolutely wrong, according to mainstream nutritional advice.

However, what mainstream nutritional advice fails to take into account is that most of the fat and cholesterol that "regular" people do eat is from TERRIBLE sources (like processed meats).

Cholesterol is actually a CRITICAL pre-cursor to testosterone in your body. There is no debate on this. It is a fact.

As well, the saturated fats you've been told to avoid are also key components to the production of many other hormones, in addition to the big one of testosterone.

Not eating these means your body is struggling to make testosterone and limiting its production unnecessarily.

Now, I'm NOT suggesting that you go against your doctors or nutritionists advice if you're on a special diet for specific reasons. And I'm not saying go stuff yourself full of fatty and cholesterol-rich foods every day.

However, what you SHOULD know is that eating fat and cholesterol from good sources (like from free-range egg yolks, grass-fed beef, fatty fish like salmon, etc.) rather than "bad" sources (like fast-food products) can have a tremendous positive impact on your testosterone levels and overall health.

To give you an idea, I eat half a dozen WHOLE eggs every single day, cooked in butter (Kerrygold is the brand I use)...and my cholesterol levels are excellent. In fact, my HDL is fantastic.

Our bodies are quite adept at digesting and using those "good" fats...(yes, even saturated fats!). We need them.

What we DON'T need are things like trans-fats that you'll often find in the processed foods.

If you'd like to learn more about what foods to eat to support your testosterone production, this is a good article.

It'll give you some more good ideas on things you can regularly eat to keep supporting your testosterone levels.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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