Subject: You can directly help a Vet with PTSD...for real.

"Thank you for your service."

I recently read an article that about 50% of veterans actually don't like it when they hear this from people...not because they don't appreciate the sentiment but because they don't know how to respond to it.

Many don't feel like they need thanks...they served out of a sense of honor, duty and gratitude to their country.

Here's the thing...

They don't need thanks...but they do need support.

We DO owe veterans a debt, especially the ones that come back "broken"...physically or psychologically.

The physical is easy to's the psychological scars that aren't so easy to see that often get pushed under the rug.

And I'll be straight up honest with you...I haven't served in the military but I've got TREMENDOUS respect for the men and women who put their lives on the line to serve, every single day.

Which is why I wanted to bring you the message below, from a good friend of mine who DID serve in the military (and who would like to remain anonymous).

He's helping other combat vets recover from PTSD by supporting a revolutionary, new approach to treating it called “Rapid Resolution Therapy.”

And this is not just about making it manageable...this is about virtually CURING it.

My friend recently got back from helping with several sessions at a retreat that's been setup specifically for this and has seen the results in real vets with PTSD.

The results with just a few hours of this therapy are in full recovery...emotional triggers GONE.

The message below will tell you more. I've made a donation already. If you feel like this is something you can support, I would definitely encourage you donate what you can as well...even a few bucks will help.



It's Veteran's Day and, each year, the American public is inspired to patriotism with visions of news and media clips of parades and brave soldiers doing their job with a smile on their faces.

But media restrictions often don't allow them to show us the "other side" of war...

The caskets draped in the American flag... the burning bodies... the soldiers losing soldiers... the good men and women who come back "broken" - physically... and psychologically.

Sundance is one of those "good men" who came back broken - and his story in this touching short video will reveal a side of combat you may never have seen before...

Combat-related PTSD claims 22 soldiers' lives every single day from "veteran suicide" as a result of the emotional scars from war.

These are not "weak" individuals - we're talking the bravest of the brave: SEALs, Pararescue Jumpers, Spec-Ops, you name it.

And we're doing something about it...

Operation Warrior Resolution (OWR) - a 501c3 non-profit started by a fellow combat-veteran - is literally saving lives!

Through our "Warrior Retreats", veterans are experiencing a groundbreaking new way to erase the emotional triggers once and for all... and return to their families "whole" again - in as little as just ONE 2-hour session!

(No, that's NOT a typo, and this cutting-edge therapy really IS that powerful!)

But we need your help...

Soldiers pay nothing for the help OWR gives them. 


The way we see it, veterans have already paid the price, and it's our commitment as proud Americans to help them reclaim their lives when they come back home from duty.

To save their family... their careers... their very lives!

Most of our contributions come from patriots just like you, giving small tax-deductible donations.

That means from time to time, we have to ask.

And today is one of those days...

Can I count on you to make a $3 donation today to help directly sponsor a soldier for the next "Warrior Retreat" as a way of standing by our brave soldiers who need our help when the come home?

Our mission gets its power from the patriotic Americans who play their own part in paying back our soldiers returning home "broken".

Soldiers like Sundance.

Thank you in advance for hearing their call for help... and doing something about it.

God bless you.  God bless the United States Of America. And God bless our brave soldiers and veterans who defend our freedom!



Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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