Subject: Working out with a expert opinion.

Clearly, masks are a VERY controversial topic right now.

However, instead of speaking based on opinion, I wanted to bring you an expert, informed opinion from a friend of mine who has substantial knowledge about this topic, without opinion or political posturing.

This is from Dr. Carl Juneau PhD, creator of the excellent Dr. Muscle "Artificial Intelligence" workout-planning app that I've talked about many times in the past.



Working Out & Lifting Weights With a Face Mask: What Do the Experts Say?

Updated August 21, 2020 by Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD

Why should you listen to me? I have a background in exercise science (B.Sc) and epidemiology (PhD). Since the pandemic hit, I read and wrote a lot about the coronavirus, including a review of cost-effective interventions to suppress COVID-19 and a series of long-form articles with Tomas Pueyo that have been viewed about 60 million times. I work for public health in Montreal, I curate the COVID-19 Science Updates, and I was recently in the news and on TV to discuss the virus.


Should you wear a face mask while working out or lifting weights?

As with other things virus, not everyone agrees. What follows is a brief review of guidelines from official bodies, doctors, and scientists.

  • In a post on Facebook, the WHO wrote that “People should NOT wear masks when exercising as masks may reduce the ability to breathe comfortably” (WHO, 2020).
  • Writing for the American Council on Exercise, a group of exercise scientists opine that “Cloth masks are a very good option during exercise.” However, they note that “Individuals with a pre-existing respiratory or cardiovascular condition are encouraged to take caution when exercising with a face mask” and that these people “should consult […] with a medical professional” (Kravitz et al. 2020).
  • In the British Journal of Sports Medicine, two doctors and scientists write that “Selecting an appropriate face-covering becomes an act of balancing benefits versus possible adverse events”. They add that masks “could potentially increase the breathing effort”, simulating altitude training on a smaller scale. Therefore, they say, “It would be prudent for people with existing heart or lung conditions to exercise at a lower intensity than usual while wearing a mask” (Blanco and Van Rensburg 2020).
  • In a Q&A for Underarmour, Dr. Daniel J. Durand, MD, said that “If you’re running outdoors and you know that you aren’t going to get near anyone, it’s probably not necessary to wear a mask.” However, he notes that “Although no one has proven masks can prevent 100% of COVID-19 spread in the gym environment, there will be far fewer droplets if athletes have masks on, which should be safer for everyone.”
  • Finally, Dr. Vera Etches, the Medical Officer of Health for Ottawa Public Health, said on TV that “you can’t be expected to exercise wearing a mask.”

Dr. Carl Juneau working out with a mask

I work out with a mask, even if the evidence is not conlusive. Why? If there’s even a small chance it saves a life, to me, it’s worth it.


In short, the medical and scientific community is split on working out with a mask

You can see that from the quotes above. Personally, I do work out with a mask. Why? If there’s even a small chance it saves a life, to me, it’s worth it. And I can still breathe OK when lifting heavy.

With all that said, masks are just one measure, and all authors insist on the importance of physical distancing. This is easier to do outside, or (of course) alone. For more tips on working out safely, check out Coronavirus, Exercise, and Health: An Evidence-Based Guide for Athletes & Lifters.

On a related note, a few readers have asked about masks for the general public.

On that topic, I side with Dr. Michael Osterholm, a leading public health scientist. He put it this way: “[The general public] should be made aware that [cloth] masks may provide some benefit in reducing the risk of virus transmission, but at best it can only be anticipated to be limited. Distancing remains the most important risk reduction action they can take” (Osterholm, 2020).

In closing, remember that COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. The position of the authors cited above is likely to change as more evidence emerge. Also, to be fair, I have not carried out a full (systematic) review on this topic, so it’s likely some opinions are not represented. When in doubt, I would advise safety.


How to use REAL SCIENCE to build muscle and strength...

There is truly an art and science to good program design...

The "art" is something you have to learn through experience. This can take YEARS of trial and error and testing.

The "science," however, can be done for you pretty much instantly, when you go to the right source..

This means workouts being built for you and CUSTOMIZED to your exact strength levels...sets, weights, reps, the works. It takes ALL the guesswork out of program design and tells you exactly what to do to build muscle and strength like clockwork.

This is done using the "Dr. Muscle" app from the author of the above article, my friend and colleague Dr. Carl Juneau (PhD in exercise science).

I've known Carl for probably about 12 years now (all the way back before he got his PhD, in fact). He knows his stuff.

And he's put a tremendous amount of work and effort into this software and it's REALLY good.


1. Daily Undulating Periodization

The underlying method is Daily Undulating Periodization, which can lead to substantially greater gains in muscle and strength than keeping reps the same day in and day out. Research bears this out.

In other words, you'll get STRONGER...FASTER.


2. Plus Sets

This is a unique method for determining your exact strength levels for that day based on actual gym performance...not just adding the same 5 or 10 lbs to the bar in hopes that it's the best amount.

If you think about it, this makes total can't add 10 lbs to a barbell curl but you COULD potentially add 10 lbs to a big deadlift more easily.

Carl explains more about Plus Sets on the page here.


3. Adding New Targeted Exercises to Work More Muscle Fibers

This is a BIG one to me...different variations of exercises need to be used to fully hypertrophy a muscle. For example, upper chest, middle chest and lower chest can be targeted with different angles.

Simple? Yes. The Dr. Muscle App walks you through when to add these exercises.


Get Your First Month FREE

I talked Carl into giving you the chance to test drive this app before you make a final decision. This is something you need to really experience and try out so you know exactly how it can benefit you.

Go to this page and sign up for free access...(and 20% off!)

Read through the entire page and take note of everything the app has to offer. It's a LOT.


The Bottom Line...

If you've hit a plateau, are confused about how to program your training for strength or muscle mass, or would just like a simple, "done for you" solution for your workouts...

...go get this app now and try it out for free for a month and get 20% off the regular price!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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