Subject: Women: your most important hormone (it's not what you think)...

I bet the first thing that likely popped into your head was Estrogen...

So here's the thing...and this will sound weird.

Testosterone is NOT just a male hormone.

In fact, did you know that you have more testosterone flowing through your blood than you do estrogen?

Yes, guys have ten times as much, but women still have more of this important hormone than estradiol, the primary estrogen.

But, unfortnately, many women do not have ENOUGH testosterone. This can result in:

  • Decreased sexual drive and function
  • PMS or menopause symptoms
  • Increased moodiness and irritability
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Increased fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Bone loss
  • And more

Many women are even getting on testosterone replacement therapy for these reasons.

There is an all-natural substance that can help...

Find out more here.


Age-related testosterone loss doesn’t just apply to men, it applies to women too.

And this often proceeds other hormonal changes.

But you can turn it around with this little-known herbal remedy.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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