Subject: Why your body is programmed to hold onto fat...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got some more great info from Dr. Kareem for you about WHY your
body holds onto's interesting and it puts forward some
points that I hadn't even considered before with regards to fat
storge. When I saw the title of the article, I first thought it
would be something about "famine" and metabolism downregulation,
but not so...

His approach is different with this info...

For example, if your body senses misalignment in your joints and
muscle structure, it pads those joints with fat in order to
protect them. So if you fix the alignment, that fat is no longer
required and your body very quickly and automatically removes

From a physiological point of view, it makes a LOT of sense to me
and that's just one of the theories Dr. K puts forward in this

"Body Restoration Fat Loss - Did you ever think about why your
body holds onto fat?"


And don't forget you can still sign up for his free report and
7-part video series on fat loss here:



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