Subject: Why your BACK is the key to a bigger bench press...

I'm not going to tell you that you're benching wrong...but you could be doing it more right.

And if you're not actively benching with your back, you could easily be leaving PLENTY of poundage on the table.

Nick Nilsson Bench Press

By using this "antagonist" muscle group properly while performing the bench press, you're going to immediately increase the power and stability of the exercise, allowing for some quick jumps in strength.

Here's the thing...a heavy press is a TOTAL BODY MOVEMENT. It's not just about chest, shoulders and arms.

And the sooner you realize that and TRAIN like that, the higher and faster your bench press numbers are going to climb.

Learn how to properly bench with your back and add poundage to your lift here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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