Subject: Why you need to eat more BUTTER to lose fat...

Got a great article here from my friend and colleague
Caleb Lee, creator of the Super Diet System.

I'm agreement with his thoughts on butter...I ditched
margarine (which is actually relatively and disturbingly
similar in chemical composition to plastic!) years ago
and never looked back.

REAL food...that's what it's all about.

Good info in this article.



Why You Need To Eat MORE Butter To Lose Fat...

- For healthier cholesterol levels ...
- To protect against heart disease ...
- To get more vitamins in your diet ...

Article by Caleb Lee, Author of The Superdiet System

If you've been alive for at least a couple decades, you've
no doubt heard horror stories about how "dangerous" animal
fats are ... but ... once you read this short article, you'll see
saturated animal fats are some of the healthiest fats
you can consume!

For the purpose of this article, I'll be focusing on one of the
healthiest fats out there -- butter from grass fed cows.

Why I Eat Tons Of Butter ...

1. It makes nearly everything delicious ...
2. It's healthy!
3. You can actually LOSE belly fat!

Now, I don't think many people would disagree with point #1 --
I mean -- who can resist steak expertly cooked in butter ... or
a sweet potato with cinnamon and melted butter ... or freshly
steamed broccoli covered in melted butter?

(Doesn't it just make your mouth water?)

But some people might have a problem believing butter is
incredibly healthy for you. So let's talk about that...

Why Butter Is Healthy ...

Despite the media fear-mongering that has taken place fo
r the last few decades -- there is no good reason to fear
saturated animal fats. None.

=> The "lipid hypothesis" for heart disease is just that--a
hypothesis that was never proven. In fact, it has been
disproven in many scientific trials.

=> The same goes for the "high cholesterol is bad" hypothesis.

(However both saturated animal fat intake and cholesterol
levels have been exploited by the mass media and giant
pharmaceutical companies for a profit of, literally, hundreds
of BILLIONS of dollars, but I digress ) ...

While I don't have time to cover both of the above points,
because it leaves the scope of this article, the truth is a lot
less sensationa
l. Butter is a healthy food that most people
should be consuming

- Butter is very vitamin rich ...

- Butter helps your body "access" other fat-soluble vitamins
in other food you might be eating (such as vegetables) --
without fat in your meals with these other "healthy" foods
your body can't access these fat soluble vitamins!

- Because it's saturated, and more stable, butter is fine for
cooking/baking at high temperatures ...

What About Cholesterol?

What about it? Seriously though, even though you shouldn't
be worried about cholesterol -- butter will do nothing but
good things for your cholesterol ...

In a recent blog post, one man added half a stick of butter (!)
to his daily diet and saw:

- HDL (“good”) cholesterol went up by 19%
- Non-HDL cholesterol went down by 25%.

... Results that would impress ANY doctor. While results like
his (and other self-experimenters on the internet) aren't from
mainstream studies or scientific trials -- I simply would not
worry about increased butter causing "bad" cholesterol levels.

If you're truly worried, you can get your blood work done now,
and track how much it changes after adding in butter. (For
the record: I get my own blood work done regularly every
couple of months and have seen nothing but positive results
from eating so much butter. In fact I have lost belly fat)

So as you can see, there is nothing wrong with consuming
more butter. However ...

Watch Out For "Fake" Butter!

I don't know about you, but I grew up on margarine and
other fake "Butter substitutes". That's not good. None of
these are healthy at all (the reasons why leave the scope
of this article).

The brand I recommend and consume is called "Kerrygolds
Pure Irish Butter" because it is from grass-fed cows.

But beware, as I'm told they have a "reduced fat" version of
their butter -- don't buy this. Only buy the regular, natural butter.

If you can't find this particular brand, simply look for any
brand that is only pure butter and is from grass fed cows

How Much Butter Should You Eat?

While some people are fans of extremely high fat and low
carb/moderate protein diets -- I don't think you need to "over-
consume" butter. And the amount of butter which you eat is
dependent upon your own circumstances.

Remember: butter is still fat, and as such, it is still relatively
high in calories per gram ...

If you're already at, or close to your goal weight, and are
eating a healthy diet, then you may not even need to think
about how much butter you're eating (take myself for
example: I never count how much butter I'm using and just
slather all my foods in it, or cook with it with reckless abandon.
I'm neither trying to use "more" or trying to use "less".)

If you're trying to lose weight, you may need to keep an eye
on how much you use. With cooking, you'll probably leave
some in the cooking pan, which is ok, but keep an eye on
how much you put on your foods, etc. That said, don't restrict
it too much thinking it's somehow "bad" -- just be aware it's
high in calories like other fats.

The 5 Commandments That Force Your Body To Drop Stubborn Belly Fat

So be like me and enjoy your butter and instead of thinking
it's "bad", think of it as a perfectly natural, "health" food for you :)


[this is Nick here again]

As I mentioned above, I made the switch from margarine
a few years ago...and the brand that I use is Kerrygold as
well. If you have a Costco near you, they have it in bulk
packs for about 9 bucks.

The stuff is delicious and I've got my whole family (in-laws
included!) switched over to eating real butter instead of

Real food. It's what your body recognizes and knows how
to work with.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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