Subject: Why you hold onto stubborn fat...

The key reason is this...

When you have imbalances in your body, due to injury, lack of activity, tight muscles, etc., your body protects itself by storing fat in the area (for cushioning, basically).

And that fat is STUBBORN...your body wants to protect itself as much as it can , so it holds onto that fat strongly, even in face of caloric restriction.

So when you strategically CORRECT these imbalances, through targeted training and strengthening, your body no longer has any reason to hold onto that fat and will burn it off.

(yes, it's not still have to burn it off!)

The method is called NeuroMetabolic Training by the creator, Dr. Kareem Samhouri, and he's put it all together in a complete program called Double Edged Fat Loss.

You can discover how it works here.

I liked this fat-loss concept so much, I actually flew out to San Francisco to train and study with Dr. K.

(and boy were my arms tired... ;). sorry...


I spent a week with Kareem to learn his programming methods and it was eye-opening. I've been training almost 30 years and I learned a TON. I love learning new perspectives on training and fat loss.

In fact, I've actually changed a lot of my own programming and methods based on what he taught me.

Because once you achieve balance in the body, a whole lot of things happen...

  • You feel less (or no) pain
  • Your lose fat almost automatically
  • Your posture is better
  • Your inflammation levels go down


Bottom line is this...

If you haven't achieved your fat loss goals...if nothing has really worked for you to get you fully where you want to go...and especially if you have pain and inflammation in your body...

You want to check this system out.

Because there's more to fat loss than just a simple caloric deficit...that is necessary, of course, and if you get calories low enough for long enough, that will work.

However, if you want to do it a LOT more easily and get pain-free in the process, Double Edged Fat Loss is exactly what you're looking for.

Reprogram your metabolism for FAST fat loss here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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