Subject: Why toxic food ingredients can make you FAT and ANGRY...

Sometimes when I talk about nutrition, I
get a bit angry...

Ok, maybe not THAT angry... ;)

I get angry because there is just SO much misinformation
and garbage floating around right now, perpetuated by
food "manufacturers", the government, the media...even

I mean, does ANYBODY seriously think that Cocoa Puffs
are healthy because they added a bag of chalk to the
slurry and said "now with added calcium"...

It's insane to me that it seems the more information about
nutrition that becomes available, the greater the epidemic
of obesity seems to get.

And a big part of the problem is processed foods...that's
an easy one.

However, what REALLY gets on my nerves is that this is
happening to people who ARE eating so-called "healthy"
foods...including unprocessed foods...that they've been
told are good for them!

What you may not realize is that it's not always the food
that's the's what's ADDED to the food without
your knowledge that's the problem.

THIS is what can make you fat AND make it
harder for you to even BURN fat...and yeah,
it should make you angry, too.

Here's why...

Your body has a very efficient system for dealing with
foreign chemicals and other "toxins"...what it can't
immediately flush out of your body it locks away into fat cells.

Fat cells are the "toxic waste dumps" of your body...and
believe me, given what's in some of the foods we eat, I'm
GLAD we have that system in place.

Here's the problem...

Once those toxins are locked in, your body does NOT want
to open those cells back up and expose itself to those
chemicals again.

This is one potential reason why some of your fat just seems
to be "stubborn"'s your body protecting itself. It's also a
major reason why you should drink a lot of water when
you're on a fat-loss program..helping to flush out the toxic
stuff that DOES get released.

PREVENTION is the key need to know how to
protect from your body from actually ingesting those
poisons in the first place.

And this is where GOOD information becomes critical...

...unbiased, research-based information that tells you the
REAL story about the things you're putting into your body.

And that's exactly what my friend and colleague, Anthony
Alayon, has done for you with his book "101 Toxic Food

He's put together a comprehensive package of information
about the toxic garbage that's in much of the food you're
eating right now.

This is serious NEED to know how to
protect yourself and your family from this stuff.

And oh, did I mention that he's offering this right
now for just 17 DOLLARS...

Not kidding.

That price is, quite honestly, just ridiculous for the
amount of practical information you're going to get
about the food you're eating and feeding to your kids
(if you have kids, of course).

To me, the bottom line is this...

Is it worth paying 17 bucks to get information that could
potentially improve your health and help you lose fat
more efficiently?

I think so.

This is information you need to help ensure that the next
meal you eat HELPS you instead of HURTS you.

And yeah, I get worked about this stuff. When I see
people suffering needlessly because the food they're
eating and have been TOLD to eat is actually slowly
killing them, it makes me VERY angry.

I really hope you'll take Anthony up on his offer...this is
high-quality, useful info and this insanely cheap price
goes away at midnight (PST) tonight.

Get your copy of 101 Toxic Food Ingredients here before the price goes up 60%...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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