Subject: Why high frequency training is PERFECT for building muscle...

So yesterday (and today), I've been talking about a program from my friend Chad
Waterbury called "High Frequency Training"...the premise of which is (you
guessed it!) training your muscles with much higher frequency.

Right off the bat, let me tell you I'm a HUGE fan of more frequent training. Some
of the best results I've gotten with muscle and strength have come as the result
of training very frequently and Chad's done a GREAT job with this program. It's
well laid-out and easy to use and and you'll get some serious results with.

Now I want to explain WHY high-frequency training is so effective...
(and I'll keep it to very broad concepts here rather than getting
into the physiology).

When you train your muscles, they get broken down to some degree.

That degree depends on a number of factors, including training volume, intensity
of the weight relative to your max, eccentric loading, and how novel the stimulus
was (meaning if you're using an exercise you've never done before, you'll most
likely increase the amount of muscle breakdown).

Most standard bodybuilding programs tend to focus on breaking the muscle down
a lot, then giving it plenty of time to recover and grow before working it again.
This generally means working a particular muscle once or twice a week.

Now, in order to get results like that, you have to really beat down your muscles
(especially training them once a week). It means a lot of volume, higher intensity
and a lot more exercises.

It also means that your body has to RECOVER from that beat down before it can
begin to grow beyond where it was before. That takes a lot of energy and when
you've really made serious inroads into your recovery, it can take awhile.

This is like taking one big step backwards in the hopes of taking
two steps forward, ending up ahead of where you were.

Now, the idea behind high-frequency training is to minimize that initial beat down
so you don't compromise recovery very much...must enough to get a training effect.
You take a small step backward and this results in two small steps forward.

Doesn't sound too exciting yet, right?

The power lies in that increased FREQUENCY of training...

Instead of taking only one or two steps backward and forward a week, you're
taking a LOT of smaller steps backward and forward. You're not beating your body
down as much so you feel better and you gain strength and muscle faster.

Your body can focus on BUILDING rather than just recovering.

This is literally one of THE most exciting concepts I can imagine when it comes
to training!

Forget the idea that a muscle takes "X" amount of time to recover and rebuild
itself. That might happen in the lab, but in the real world where the rubber hits
the road, frequent training has developed some of the most stunning physiques
on the planet (think top-level gymnasts and Olympic weightlifters).

And to me, it's one of the real "secrets" of training and one you should be
absolutely taking advantage of.

Read more about High Frequency Training for muscle here...

And just fyi, don't wait because Waterbury's HFT system is on sale for $50 off
until Wednesday at midnight then the price goes up.


P.S. For everybody who picks up Chad's "High Frequency Training" program, I'm
also going to kick in a copy of my own book "The Best Mass Exercises You've
Never Heard Of
". Just forward your receipt to and we'll
get a download link over to you!

Get your copy of High Frequency Training here...


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