Subject: Why astronauts return 2 inches taller and with crippling back pain...

...and how this can help YOUR back pain.

I was reading through this page and it was fascinating.

(FYI it'll go to a video first, but there is also a written version available, too, when you move your mouse up to the top of the page if you prefer that).

Apparently when Mark Kelly (the US astronaut who set the world record for the longest time in space) came back to Earth, he was 2 inches taller.

Now, on the surface, this might sound great...after all, who wouldn't want to be taller, right?

Well... this increase in height came with crippling back pain.

This was because of WHERE that extra 2 inches of height came from.

Without gravity, his spine straightened out.

Which also, on the surface, doesn't sound bad...

However, here's the problem...

When you lose the natural curvature of your spine, it changes all the loading forces on your body that the arches of your spine support.

The arch is the strongest natural structure and you NEED those curves to properly hold everything in your body up.

Without gravity to load the spine and maintain those curves, long-haul astronauts find their spine straightens out, leading to increases in height but big problems with back pain and herniated discs.

The spine simply isn't built to be straight.


This knowledge can hep YOUR back pain...

It's very possible that YOUR back pain is directly related to issues with the curves in your spine.

And by putting those curves BACK into your spine (properly, and with simple stretches, supported positions and movements), you can get your spine back to holding up your bodyweight as it should.

Which means dramatic reductions in back pain.

You can learn more about this process here.


I know a guy...

His name is Rick Kaselj.

He's been a friend of mine for years (from B.C., Canada, like me). I've talked about him before...he's got several other programs out that help with shoulder pain, knee pain, hip pain...the list goes on).

He's a world-class rehab specialist...his programs are acutally used to TEACH other rehab specialists, he's that good.

And when I first saw he had come out with a program targeted to help with lower back pain, I was thrilled...that's such a huge problem for so many people (likely YOU because you're reading this!).

If you have near-crippling back pain (or just regular dull aches or occasionally throwing your back out doing stupid stuff like sneezing wrong), his tremendous knowledge and practical methods are exactly what you need to fix your back pain for good.

This link will take you to more information about his program...if you have back pain and want it gone, this could be a gamechanger for you.

(again, if you prefer a text version to a video, just move your mouse up and it'll give you the option).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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