Subject: Why STRESS is hormonally LOCKING fat onto your body...(and how to fix it)

You've probably heard the theory that stress increases levels of the hormone cortisol in your body, resulting in increased fat storage...

And this IS true...however, there's more to it than that.

Stress causes an increase in cortisol levels in your body and one of the hormonal "downstream" results of this is increased fat storage.

This can make it very tough for people under stress to lose fat....they're constantly fighting their high cortisol levels. It's an environment where muscle tissue is getting broken down to supply fast energy while calories that are eaten are more likely to be stored as fat.

Here's the thing, though....

...even if you're NOT under massive stress, you may be one of the "lucky" people who has a very difficult time losing fat from your trouble spots DESPITE having normal BLOOD levels of cortisol.

The problem is this (both with stressed people and with those other "lucky" people, of which you may be one!)...

...inside your fat cells, there's an enzyme called 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 or HSD.

This enzyme converts inactive cortisone into the fat-storing compound cortisol.

You could show completely normal levels of cortisol in your bloodstream while having 2-3 TIMES the level of cortisol INSIDE your fat cells.

When HSD is activated; it will cause people with otherwise normal cortisol levels to store fat in their toughest trouble spots.

Conversely, reduced HSD levels explains why some super stressed people never gain body fat.

This is why every major pharmaceutical company in the world is currently investigating synthetic inhibitors of the HSD enzyme as a potential cure for obesity and diabetes.

If you are currently eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and exercising and still have a problem losing stubborn fat, HSD is likely a big part of the problem.

And if you ARE stressed, this problem is even worse.

Higher activity of HSD means a higher rate of fat storage in your trouble spots and, in general, HSD activity is genetically determined (yes, some people ARE more genetically predisposed to gaining fat becouase of those).

However, recent research into compounds known as flavonoids proves that HSD can be blocked naturally using common foods.

Some of the strongest inhibitors of HSD are found in foods rich in flavonoids, such as apples and onions (quercetin), grapefruit (naringenin), and soybeans (genistein and daidzein).

In fact, one food in particular contains a substance known as polymethoxylated flavonoids or PMFs and can reduce HSD activity substantially more than other flavonoids!

These PMFs are found in oranges (nobiletin and tangeretin), which can be up to three to five times stronger than other flavonoids...however, the only hitch is they're found in the PEEL...mmmmmmm peel....

As well, Licorice (from the licorice plant, Glycyrrhiza glabra, contains glycyrrhetinic acid (GA), a flavonoid that inhibits HSD) has also worked well in animal studies (reducing HSD levels by 30%, cortisol levels by 34% and bodyweight by 28%), however it did have the issue of raising blood pressure in those test subjects, making it not ideal for long-term use.


You Can Also Reduce HSD With Specific Training...

As far as training goes, here's how it works...Growth Hormone (GH) is a strong inhibitor of HSD...

...and one of the BEST ways to increase GH levels is through Lactic Acid Training (which is exactly what you think it to increase the "burn" of Lactic Acid in your body).

I've posted a ton of different Lactic Acid Training variations over the years...because I know it works GREAT for getting rid of stubborn fat...

And this is yet ANOTHER reason why...

So What's Our Plan of Attack?

1. Try to reduce your stress...(easier said than done, I know).

2. Try to eat more flavonoid-containing foods.

3. Train for GH using Lactic Acid Training...(also, heavy weight training is very effective for increasing testosterone levels, which is another regulator of HSD).

4. Have somebody put together the plan FOR you...then just follow it.

Obviously number 4 is the easiest way to go... ;)

The plan that addresses these things is called "Trouble Spot Nutrition", put together by my friend and colleague, Bruce Krahn.

I met Bruce a couple of years ago at a business meeting in Toronto. Here's a picture of him at age 45...looking really fat and out of shape... ;).

I ended up sitting beside him at dinner and we talked for several hours on this topic. He's incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about this stuff...(this hormonal approach to fat loss)...and I learned a TON from him just in casual conversation.

(Honestly, one of the BIG benefits of doing what I do is having the opportunity to meet and talk to people like Bruce at length and squeeze them for knowledge... :)

The program he's put together here is not only extremely's actually VERY EASY to follow, with everything laid out for you so you'll know exactly what you're doing every step of the way.

Bottom line, if you feel like your stubborn fat has been LOCKED onto your body for years, no matter how good you eat or how hard you train, this is a program I would HIGHLY recommend you pick up.

Get your "stubborn" fat loss Trouble Spot Nutrition program here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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