Subject: Why I hate supplements....

This may come as quite a shock to hear but it's true...I hate supplements.

Now, I do have to qualify that remark, as I don't hate ALL supplements...

  • I hate the ones that make people think they can eat horrible nutrition and train like idiots (or not at all) while still getting the results they want.

  • I hate the supplements that push big glossy magazine ads with (let's face it) physiques that are unachieveable by natural means at impressionable young guys who want to gain muscle but don't know how to do it through good training and eating.

  • I hate the supplements that prey on people who are so desperate to lose weight that they'll try anything...except for tolerating the slightest modification to their horrendous eating habits or getting their butt off the couch.

  • And I hate the supplements that take research studies so completely out of context that they're completely irrelevant to the actual people who are supposed to take the supplements (when you do a study on starving children in an orphanage in a third-world country and you give them some nutrition, shocker...they're going to build muscle).

  • I hate the supplements that distort the research that actually HAS been done on legitimate populations in order to prove that their garbage supplement works (here's a good one...those weight gain formulas? A study done on those showed NO difference in results between taking that and equal caloric amount of WHITE SUGAR...not even joking, though I wish I was. They didn't include THAT in the magazine ad for it.).

  • I hate the supplements that hide behind a "proprietary formula" blend to disguise the fact that they have almost NONE of the active ingredient actually in it (yeah, if a study shows 800 mg of something is required to have an effect, I'm sure adding 50 mg of it in along with 750 mg of other junk will work like a charm).


Okay, that's enough hating for now...

What I DON'T hate are supplement companies that stand behind what they put out...that do everything they can to ensure a high-quality product that contains what it's supposed to and has enough active ingredient to actually DO something.


There ARE companies like that out there, and that's who I buy my supplements from.

And one of those companies is Rootz Nutrition  (run by my friend Harrison Levy).

Here's the link to his excellent protein supplement "Protein Superfood..."


What's left OUT of a supplement is just as important as what goes IN the supplement.

One of the things I like best about Rootz products is their ingredients won't find all kinds of fillers and other garbage in the container...

No soy, gluten or dairy. No sugar or artificial ingredients.

This is a supplement you can feel GOOD about taking.

And right now, you can get a jug of it for HALF the regular price...

(they have a "subscribe" option where it gets you the protein for half can cancel any obligation to continue)

If you're tired of getting bloated and gassy from milk-based protein supplements, this is something you'll definitely want to try out.

Plus, it tastes fantastic (which is a nice bonus).

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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