Subject: Why I admire people who go to the gym for YEARS and get no results...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yep, I really DO admire people who can go to the gym for years
with no tangible results. It's something I just couldn't do
myself. It's one of the reasons I come up with so many unique
exercises and training techniques (aside from being a little
"tweaked" I guess :)

What I admire most about people who keep plugging away is that
even though they may not be seeing results, they ARE actually
still GOING to the gym and at the very least maintaining their
health and strength, which is a whole lot better than a lot of
other people out there who do nothing at all.

To be able to keep going without seeing any improvement or train to remain the same...I couldn't do it.

And even though I admire that stick-to-it-iveness, it makes me
crazy at the same time because I KNOW that with NO more effort
than they're putting in right now, they could actually be making
big changes and improving.

So this is where I want to talk about motivation.

For those who are content to "train to maintain," I respect that.
Like I said, at least you ARE training and I give you credit for

For everybody else who WANTS to improve, what's YOUR motivation
to train?

- to look better?
- to be healthier?
- to relieve stress?
- to have fun?
- to be able to eat whatever you want?

Personally, I have no trouble at all motivating myself to train.
I love it. I love lifting heavy things and putting them back down
(which means, I always get calls from friends to help them move
heavy things...goes with the territory...and it's always fun to
watch their eyes bug out when I pick up something up by myself
that two other people had a hard time lifting together...)

Ideally, motivation should come from within you. That's what
makes training a lifetime pursuit and not just a 12 week contest.

I remember one time years ago as I was finishing up a workout,
somebody I knew asked me "that's great that you're building
muscle and training hard but what's going to happen to all that
when you stop?"

I looked at them and said..."What do you mean stop? I'm never
going to stop."

THAT is the kind of motivation I want to help you find. To make
training something so natural and so rewarding to you that it
doesn't even occur to you to stop.

And that goes back to why I admire people who keep slogging away
at the gym for years without results. It doesn't even occur to
THEM to stop!

So imagine what could happen if they suddenly discovered how to
get results without the slogging...

Got something cool for you to check out here's a
presentation by my friend and "birthday boy" Jon Benson. I met
Jon about 5 years ago and let me tell you, this guy literally
transformed himself from being completely overweight and
unhealthy to being lean and muscular.

When it comes to motivation and addressing the power of mind and
habits, there's nobody I would recommend more highly than Jon.

In this presentation, he's put together some great ACTIONABLE
info that you can put to work in your life NOW.

The main subject of this presentation is the motivation killer
"friction" could be what's holding you back in your training
AND almost every other aspect of your life.

Click here to check out now because it's information that really
has the potential to change how you look at training and life in



P.S. Be sure to have a pencil and some paper. This is good stuff
and you'll want to take some notes... don't worry... it's nothing
like school... ; )

Also, at the end he offers you a BUNCH of cool neuro-audios for a
short-time BIRTHDAY DISCOUNT...even if you don't want to spend a
penny, you'll discover a TON of useful... dare I say
"life-changing" info that you can apply FREEE of charge...


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