Subject: Which Creatine is a waste of your money?

I've been taking creatine since 1993...

Not constantly, mind you, but regularly.

I take it because it works.

Creatine monohydrate is one of THE most tested and proven supplements in existence. It can help you get stronger and build muscle faster, which is why you and I both take it.

And believe me, I've tried a LOT of different creatines over the years...monohydrate (the gold standard), citrate, malate, orate, ethtyl ester, nasty orange liquid goo, Kre-Alkalyn...the list goes on.

I've also tried a variety of strategies for increasing absorption...a few simple carbs, 70 gram shots of dextrose, drinking a can of soda with creatine for sugars and "fizz", amino-acid-based creatine boosters, herbs, hot water, etc.

The end result was that even after 24 years of experimenting, I ALWAYS returned to simple creatine monohydrate mixed in warm water until it dissolved.

I'm all for innovation, but sometimes it really doesn't pan out.

And sometimes it's just flat-out a waste of your money (the worst was the orange liquid goo stuff I tried back in 1997...just horrible).

Which is why I wanted to point you in the direction of a LEGITIMATE new version of creatine, called Creapure (found in a product called Crea-Tech), that has actually been clinically proven to result in improved absorption.

It works by reducing the conversion of creatine into creatinine (a waste product) before getting to the muscles. The more actual creatine that gets to your muscles, the better (which makes sense, right?).

Not glamorous but it WORKS...and that's the most important thing.

This graph shows you the results of a clinical study on Creapure, showing how much creatine actually made it into the muscle cells from creatine monohydrate, Kre-Alkalyn and Creapure (tested via biopsy).

I'm not going to get into the full science of how it works here, but if you ARE interested in seeing that, you can read the full report and rundown on it here.

I find this stuff fascinating, so for me, it was a good read.

The bottom line, however, is that it works BETTER than regular creatine monohydrate for building strength and muscle.

You WILL notice a difference.

Right now, the makers of Crea-Tech (Blue Star Nutraceuticals) are running a special offer where you can get the product for up to 25% off (when you pick up multiple bottles).

I'll tell you right up front...this is one supplement company that I absolutely DO trust. I know the owner personally. And if he sold garbage, I wouldn't be his friend anymore.

I've tried it myself, and it works.

Get your Crea-Tech here.

Read the technical rundown here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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