Subject: What's the LEAST amount of exercise you can do for fat loss...

...and still have it be effective?

I know that not everybody has the TIME or the ENERGY to train frequently or for long periods of time.

Heck, even me, and I do this for a living!

That means when you DO have the chance to get in a workout, you want to get the most bang for your buck, right?

My friend Geoff Neupert said it best...

"Whittling down something to its barest necessities to still get the job done with maximum results. Minimalism is at its heart about leverage."

That means you do more of what works and less "fluff" or filler.

It comes down to this...

...when you train, you stick to 6 exercises or less, sometimes as little as 2. Do them and do them well.

1) Pushes
2) Pulls
3) Direct ab work
4) Lower body

They must be structured so that each exercise progresses from the previous exercise.

Focus on the muscles being worked. Are you contracting them? Did you do PERFECT reps? If not, fix it on the next set.

Don't do MORE exercises to make up for it. Do better with the proven exercises that work.

Using a workout with 6 exercises or less, you can just get after it. There's no "learning curve".

Here's an example...

  • 3 "strength" exercises followed by a finisher using a "conditioning" exercise like Jumping Jacks or Total Body Extensions.

You can do ladders, supersets, circuits... it doesn't matter as long as it's structured right.

That's leverage. And it's powerful.

Depending on how serious you are, you'll find yourself SUPER lean faster than ever because of this "minimalist" approach.

This is the structure of Mike Whitfield's "No Fluff Training System" that I talked about yesterday.

Every workout progresses strategically from one to the next over 3 phases...'s so powerful, you can overcome even a mediocre diet because of the powerful caloric burn.

I'm not saying you can eat pizza and ice cream 24/7, but he told me he had a client drop 2.5lbs in a week and she had 3 "cheat" meals. Not 1. Not 2. Yes, 3.

She followed this simple exercise hack that you'll find here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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