Subject: What's in my supplement cabinet right now...(pic)

I'm constantly testing and auditing the supplements that I take.

If I don't think I'm getting a benefit from it, I just don't buy it anymore.

Right now, I'm keeping things pretty simple. Here's a picture of what I'm currently taking.

Now, this is for informational purposes don't have to take any of these. This is just what I take, and I'll explain why.

1. Vitamin D3 - 5000 IU

I take this for the immune system-boosting benefits, especially in the winter. It's just critical stuff for so many bodily processes (not pictured - vitamin K2, which helps your body process D3)

2. Zinc Glycinate - 50 mg

This is a mineral that is often lacking in modern diets. It's important for hundreds of chemical reactions in the body. I take 50 mg of Zinc Glycinate every night before bed, along with...

3. Magnesium Citrate - 400 mg

This is a HUGE one that many people miss. And honestly, if you're taking calcium and not magnesium, you're causing problems in your body due to mineral imbalance. If there was one single vitamin/mineral that I would recommend somebody take to make a difference in their life, it would be magnesium. The combination of zinc and magnesium before bed is excellent for testosterone production.

4. CoQ10 - 100 mg

This is behind a few of the other bottles. This is a powerful anti-aging co-enzyme and critical for protecting the heart and blood vessels. I take Ubiquinol as the form.

5. Vitamin C - 1000 mg

Excellent anti-oxidant as well as being the major building block of collagen formation (for connective tissue repair).

6. Omega 3's - 1000 mg

The brand I use is called Nordic Naturals. VERY high quality stuff. I wouldn't recommend the cheapo brands - they're not processed very well and not nearly as effective. This brand costs a bit more but the quality is TREMENDOUSLY important in order to get the benefits of it (anti-inflammatory).

7. Probiotic

The one I'm using a liquid one called Probonix. I'll be writing a more in-depth review of this one in the near future. This is seriously THE single best probiotic on the planet...hands down. Nothing else even comes close, in my opinion...4-8 drops of this a day is all you need.

8. P3-OM

This is a protein-digesting probiotic from BiOptimizers. I take this with every meal to help digest protein more efficiently and get more out of the protein that I'm eating. It's made by the same company that makes...

9. MassZymes

This stuff is AWESOME. It's a high-powered digestive enzyme product specifically designed for bodybuilders and weight trainers. It helps you to more efficiently digest your protein so you get more out of every single gram of it you take.

The reason it's the only one I've got a link to in this email is that the company that makes it is currently running a sale on it right now...excellent discounts and some killer bonuses.

I take MassZymes with EVERY single meal without fail and have for several years now. I actually went off it for a few weeks this past fall just to see if there would be a difference and WOW, was there a difference.

My digestion went downhill FAST.

This is one of those supplements that I will seriously NOT go without anymore, it's that good.

As we age, our body no longer produces as many digestives enzymes as it once did when we were younger. It's the reason you can't eat as much as you used to and your digestion is worse.

It's also the reason your body ramps up ACID try and make up for the lack of enzymes, which often leads to taking antacids (which leads to getting too much calcium, which blows out your magnesium levels, which leads to muscle cramps, etc. but that's a whole other topic).

Bottom line, this is an IMPACT supplement and one I would HIGHLY recommend you give a try.

BiOptimizers has just recently revamped the formula and made it even better. They can explain it all better than I can in an email.

So definitely have a serious look at this stuff. Read through all the info on the page. This will not only help you build muscle and strength more effectively, it'll help you FEEL better, too.

Learn more about MassZymes here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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