Subject: What would YOU do in this situation?

Nobody wants to think about being a victim of violence...

And, if you're lucky, you probably won't ever be a victim of violence.

Now, I know this kind of email is a bit outside the normal realm of fitness and training that I talk about, but I think it's extremely important stuff because there IS something you can do to prepare yourself for it.


Imagine this...

The sun has gone down, you've just gotten out of a movie with your family and you're walking back to your car in the dark. A couple of the streetlights are out, so it's darker than it normally would be. There's nobody else around walking to their were the last ones to leave the theater.

You hear footsteps trailing behind look back and spot a lone figure matching your pace, melting into the shadows.

The hairs on the back of your neck are standing up...

What would you do?

You know something is not right.

Or...even have no warning at all and suddenly an attacker is right on top of you.

What would you do?

THIS is what you do to avoid the 3 biggest mistakes every assault victim makes.


Imagine THIS now instead...

Same late-night scenario as before...only now you know EXACTLY what to do. That paralyzing fear is replaced by watchful confidence.

You're not going to go all "Hollywood action hero" or anything like that, but you're no longer a victim.

You KNOW what you need to do to protect yourself and your family...

And THIS is the man who's going to teach you.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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