Subject: What to eat if you want to build muscle WITHOUT getting fat...

I'm sure you've seen and even experienced this...putting on muscle
only to see it all blanketed by a thick layer of blubber.

So bottom line, if you've ever asked that question (how can I
gain muscle without the fat?), I've got the answers you need...
rather, I've got a guy who has the answers you need :).

That guy is my friend Jason Ferruggia.

I've known Jay for years...our training ideas and philosophies
are pretty well right in line with each other. The dude knows
exactly what it takes to build muscle while keeping the fat off.

So the first thing I want you to do is go here and read this
article on his site:

50 Renegade Nutrition Rules

Read through these and not only will get some great info, you'll
get an idea of what he's all about.

Once you've done that, go here:

The Renegade Diet

This is his detailed nutrition program for doing exactly what you
want...and that is build massive muscle without the fat.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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