Subject: What is the revolutionary "Cereal-Sandwich Diet"?...

Well...look at what you're currently having for breakfast and lunch, and see if you might be on it already...

Ok, not so revoluationary...

Because this actually refers to the breakfast and lunch habits that a LOT of people already have.

Cereal for breakfast...sandwich for lunch... then "What are we having for dinner?" :)


One of the biggest problems with the "Cereal-Sandwich Diet" is that the cereal is quite often a small step above hot garbage...and it sets you up for a tough day.

It may be marketed as "healthy," but in reality could be packed with sugar and other processed ingredients...which can lead to sugar crashes and bloating...

...and have you ever poured out the ACTUAL serving size listed on the box to see what it looks like?

It's not reality.


Try THIS instead...

It's called Protein Superfood (chocolate banana nut flavor, which is delicious) from Rootz Nutrition.


I've taken it both first thing in the morning and post-workout.

It goes beyond just protein, giving you a wide spectrum of "superfoods" to fuel your body. There's a ton of great stuff in here.

It's like taking your protein and your greens, all in one shot.


Right now, they've got a 50% off special going.

This is a GREAT deal to get an extremely high quality product for HALF price.

And so you know up front, this 50% off special is for when you subscribe to "monthly protein"... can cancel any time, for any reason, so you're definitely not locked into anything.

(I know the owner of the company personally and he'd hear it from me if you didn't get taken care of.)

Get your 50% off Protein Superfood here and avoid the problems of the "Cereal Sandwich Diet!"...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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