Subject: What irritates me about most "female" training...

From Nick Nilsson

And I put "female" training in quotes because that pretty much
sums up what irritates me most...

You see, when most people think of "female" training, they think
of pink 2 lb dumbells, hours of flailing around doing aerobic
training, isolation exercises on machines, high-reps, light
weight, and those adductor and abductor machines in the gym.

To me this is NOT "female"'s "failure" training,
because that's generally what happens when women train this way
(heck, when ANYBODY trains this way). They fail to achieve the
goals they set out to achieve because the training simply does
not challenge the body enough to give it a reason to change.

Sure, a woman might get a little stronger or lose a little fat
training like this because doing something will always be better
than doing nothing.

But there aren't too many people I know who exercise because they
WANT minimal results...

Yet, that's what typical "female" training will give
you...absolutely minimal results.

And ladies, I know for a FACT you're not afraid of hard work. You
wouldn't be reading this if you were. You just want to know how
to make that hard work to PAY OFF.

(I ALSO know you don't want to look like a man from your training!)

That is where Flavia DelMonte comes in...the past couple of days,
I've sent along a note about her new free report exposing the
myths about female training.


And what I've talked about here today is one of the BIG
ones...don't train like a "female" (ineffectively, like I
mentioned above)...train like a FEMALE and challenge yourself
(ok, I have no idea why putting that in all caps makes a
difference but I think you know what I mean :)


P.S. This link will be coming down tonight, so definitely pop
over and sign up. Very good info, as well as a sample workout and
recipe guide.


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