Subject: What happened when I put vegan "cheese" on meatballs?...

Well... they didn't behave like matter and anti-matter... no wormholes were created... it actually was delicious....

Because the vegan "cheese" I put on the meatballs was this stuff...

It wasn't fake cheese trying to be's a nutritional yeast that tastes very similar to cheese, but eats and tastes a lot like cheese...

It's packed with nutrients like B vitamins, iron, selenium, zinc, Beta Glucans, and a whole lot more.

It's 100% vegan friendly...and also 100% "not-vegan" friendly (I'm not vegan and I like it a lot).

It's got a lot fewer calories than dairy cheese and is a great option for when you'd like to punch up your food a bit without adding a ton of calories.

It comes in powder form, that you can very easily add to just about any food, and even add liquid to so that it has a cheesy texture.


Personally, I like it a lot. My wife put it on some macaroni last night and made Mac and Cheese with it.

It was really good!

Bottom line, whether you've been looking for an alternative to cheese (due to food sensitivities or what have you, or due to food preference), this is a great way to go.

Even if you're eating a ton of meat, this can actually give that meat a nice, cheesy, nutty flavor while giving you a nice spectrum of nutrients that you're not getting a whole lot of in meat.

Heck, I'm going to try it in my scrambled eggs tomorrow to make cheesy eggs...just thought of that right now.

Learn more about Noochylicious here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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