Subject: What does pumpkin pie have to do with self-defence?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Ok, pretty much nothing...I was going to try and think of something
clever to tie it in but I've got nothing...

What it DOES mean, though, is that I've got two things to tell
you about :)

First, the pumpkin pie...just got a great recipe from my
partners at Prograde Nutrition for a pumpkin pie protein shake. I
have to say this NEVER would have occurred to me to make
something like this...but it sounds REALLY good and they've got a
recipe for it using their protein powder.


They've also got a great 15% off sale going until Friday of this
week, so if you're interested in trying out their stuff, now is
the PERFECT time to do it.

As you've probably noticed, I don't usually plug
supplements...most of them are unnecessary and total garbage, but
the Prograde stuff is really good, top-quality stuff.


Second, about that self-defence webinar with Jeff "The Violence
Nerd"'s filling up FAST and it's going to be packed
with great info.

If you have any interest in self-defence, I can vouch for his's the real thing, so definitely plan to be on that

He also just sent along a few Q&A's that people have been
asking him about it, so if you DO have questions, have a read
through these...hopefully, they'll answer any you've got.



Question 1. "Are these complicated martial arts?


NO! These are NOT your typical "karate kicks" that take forever
to learn.

What I'm going to be going over is both the "psychology of
violence" as well as REAL hardcore self defense techniques that
they don't usually show in martial arts schools.

So a WARNING here...these techniques are NOT for those looking
for fluffy "feel good" karate chops!

Don't bring a weak stomach. ;-)


Question 2: "Do these moves require classes and lots of practice?"


NO! Prison inmates and street criminals DON'T "practice" with
their buddies. They simply KNOW how to "fight dirty"...and WIN!

The techniques I'll be going over on Thursday's broadcast do NOT
require you to be a mixed martial arts champion or even big &

They're meant for "Average Joe's" who don't have time to go
learn complicated self defense moves but realize that they're at
a disadvantage unless they know some nasty stuff that the "enemy"
has already mastered.


Question 3: "Is this just for MEN or can WOMEN use these techniques?"


Guys are "into" this stuff more than women are but women NEED to
know these same tactics!

Women are already at a disadvantage because they're typically
not as strong as guys. That's why these techniques DON'T rely on
your size or strength!

So if women are taking martial arts classes down at the local
stripmall, they're most likely learning the WRONG way to defend
themselves from a mugger or rapist.

I'll be showing them the RIGHT way on Thursday!


Question 4: "What time is the event in MY country?"


Since anyone can take part in the event from anywhere in the
world at no cost, it's important that they know the right time.

Here's a link to a "world clock" converter:

To determine your equivalent local time, go to

And here's the REGISTRATION PAGE one more time to sign up for
the free event:

EVENT: "Cage Fighting For The Streets!"

Extreme Self Defense Tactics
ANYONE Can Master...FAST!

When: This Thursday Night @ 9:00pm Eastern



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