Subject: "What do I eat?"...(if you've ever asked this question, read this)

Nutrition and healthy eating habits should be a top priority in your life.

When you're training hard, you need to optimize your efforts by feeding your body what it needs to perform and hit the goals you want to hit.

Yesterday, I told you about an excellent nutrition/meal plan partnership that I've set up with Andrew Judson of Additional Nutritionals.

If you've ever been confused about what you need to eat to get the results you want, this program is for YOU...

And right now (until all 8 spots are taken), you'll get a FREE extra month of nutritional plans when you sign up today.

You will get:

~ Live Chat Support
~ Phone Call Check-Ins
~ Motivational & Educational emails along with new recipes every 3 days or so
~ Access to our private app
~ A team of Nutritional Professionals at your disposal
~ A nutrient timed meal plan
~ Grocery Lists
~ Progress Tracker
~ Cookbooks for the Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescitarian and Omnivore
~ Access for us to tweak and re-design things to your liking
~ Options for eating on the go
...and so much more

Literally, EVERYTHING you need to succeed.


There are just a couple of spots left out of the 8 that were made available.

WHY? Simply because we need to custom make every plan from scratch based on YOUR goals, schedule and food preferences.

Let's get you started now so we can just educate you on what works for YOU.

Here are REAL examples of the results clients get with this sysem...



I am a 50 year old woman who has struggled with losing weight for years. I would get into a good exercise routine and eat what I thought were healthy food choices but I could never keep off the weight and could never lose any inches. I figured it was my age and I would just have to resolve that I would never change.

After 3 months of the Body Transformation Challenge at MVP I can honestly say I would not have gotten the same results without AdditionalNutritional. I appreciated the meal plan but even more so, I was able to learn about the importance of when to eat.

The meal plan took into account my life style, activity and sleep. I learned the time to eat protein and have a few new favorite foods. I was always intimidated by steel cut oats, now they are in my diet almost daily.

The encouraging emails when I was sick and how to get back into the healthy routine were so nice. I am not just pleased with the 18 lbs I lost but the inches I lost around my hips, thighs and stomach and needing a new wardrobe.

More than that, I feel great and am full of energy. The once a month weigh in and measurements were such an encouragement those days motivated me to keep up with the routine. 1 month later and post Christmas temptations, I am continuing to apply what I learned and I feel great!!


Debbie Woods

For my 48th bday I treated myself to the Game Changer Nutrition Program. I knew I was ready, but not believe fully that I would have the time to full off a diet plan. I quickly understood that this was not a diet but a lifestyle.

I lost 32lbs, 21inches and actually had a bit a 6-pack at the end, haha, I was not expecting that! I guess the support and timing of foods really ignited my metabolism to a level i never imagined possible.

Thank you very much for this education and I'm proud to say that I have maintained my shape since the plan finished, because I now just live the life and still enjoy, friends, family and a good cheat meal every few days :)


Rod Lugtenburg

It’s so true what they say … “30% Workout – 70% Nutrition”. I knew it, I understood it, but never really lived it. A couple of years ago I decided it was time to get back to the gym. I put the time and effort into it. Even though I was seeing results, I wasn’t seeing the true changes I was hoping for.

My Athletic Training Centre put me in contact with Additional Nutritional and the final piece to my healthier lifestyle puzzle came together. Additional Nutritional worked with me to create a Nutrition Plan based on my body type, lifestyle and goals.

I saw amazing results within the first month alone which helped me to stay motivated. I had been working so hard for so long on a healthier body and finally I could start seeing those results as the weight came off. I not only met my 3-month goals, I exceeded them!

Additional Nutritional have been there every step along the way offering great menu options (on top of the meal plan they already created or me), sharing inspirational stories and quotes, listening when something may not be working for me to find alternate solutions, and will often just give me a call to see how things were going. I never once felt like I was just “one of the crowd” … I always felt like I was “the one”.

One of the best things about Nutritional Additional was that they encourage you to cheat! By way of “cheating” it showed me they truly understood that we all have lives; we have birthdays to go to and Christmas dinner to enjoy, vacations to take and moments in life to celebrate.

Having that odd glass of wine or sampling grandma’s baking isn’t going to destroy all our efforts if we’re smart about when, how much, and how often we do these things. It’s all part of living a healthy, enjoyable, and realistic lifestyle.

I’m going on 9 months now with Additional Nutritional and I couldn’t be happier. I love the plan, learning about new foods and making healthier choices as I shop, and of course I continue to workout and feel better, and look better doing it!!!


Learn more about the Additional Nutritional customized nutrition plans and get started today!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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