Subject: Weird new waist-tightening exercise...

This exercise is a phenomenal waist tightener as well as being fantastic for developing anti-flexion core strength.

It's an isometric exercise done using a band and something to set your hands on. In my case, I'm using a bar set in the power rack, but it can literally be anything solid...even a chair or a table, if you're doing it at home.

One of the tricks I've found very effective for getting a tighter waist and midsection is using isometric exercises that gradually force more and more air out of you while you contract the abs in order to not "deflate." Every second you keep the hold progressively increases the contraction in the abs and the tightening of the core muscles.

It's tough but incredibly effective.

As well, in terms of core strength, in the squat and deadlift means in your core working AGAINST the tendency to bend forward.

If your anti-flexion core strength is not good enough, when you squat and deadlift heavy, your torso will cave forward and you'll either miss the lift, perform it with poor form, or get injured.

This exercise (as weird as it looks) is going to hammer BOTH of these things.

As I mentioned above, you're going to need a band, something to sit on and something solid to set your hands on. I'm using a medium green band in the demo.

Click here to go to my recommended source for bands. Use coupon code RBTFITSTEP to get 10% off any band package on that page.


Here's what the setup looks like.

Set the bar to about upper chest height (when seated). You can experiment with height...higher will be harder, lower will be easier.

Step on the band with your feet, separated by a foot or two. Loop the other side of the band over your wrists.

Now, set your hands on top of the bar and straighten your arms...and HOLD.

That's it!

It LOOKS simple and relatively easy, especially with your hands set on the bar. You'd think that this would make the exercise easier but what it does is not let you quit.

If you were doing a static hold with your arms straight out without the bar, your front delts and/or upper back would fatigue before your core does, limiting how much time you could hold for and how much, making it more an exercise for those bodyparts.

With your hands supported like this, it's all core.

And it is BRUTAL.

Hold until you literally can't hold anymore. Use it as a finisher to your core training...just one hold for as long as you can and you're done.

You can watch the full video on this exercise here.

Click here to start from the exercise demo.


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And yes, I KNOW this sounds too good to be true…

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Here’s a hint…it’s not about fat loss…

You’ll use scientifically-designed, easy exercises (that you can do literally ANYWHERE) in such a strategic way that it forces the muscles UNDERNEATH your stomach fat to tighten up.

THIS is the trick that makes your stomach flatter even if you never lose a pound.

=> 30-Second TRICK Flattens Your Stomach FAST! 

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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