Subject: Weight Plate Steering Wheel Rolls for Abs [New Exercise]

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got a cool new abdominal exercise for you to try out here...all
you need is a weight plate to do this one.

I call it a Weight Plate Steering Wheel Roll - it's a variation
of the plank done while balancing on a weight plate held like a
steering wheel.

You can adjust it for pretty much any training level, working
from your knees or in a full plank. Check it out here:



And if you're interested in more ab training info, be sure to
check out the video presentation I wrote about yesterday from
Carl Juneau...good info in there, all about how to REALLY get
six-pack abs.

Check it out here:


Be sure to post your comments on the page for the steering
wheel exercise above!


P.S. If you haven't had a chance to check out that free personal
wellness program from Health and Wellness Enterprises (run by
cousin Ron and his wife, Kathy) definitely do check that out!
It's an excellent program to help you cope with stress in your
life, using Qigong principles (totally non-religious, just fyi!)


And check out some of these comments about this complimentary

"It works!!, I feel relaxed and energised and more focused."

" Great techniques! You can notice the immediate change in your
bodily functions, and the mood is elevated. You feel much happier
at the end of each session!"

"I feel MUCH more relaxed after just my first “lesson”. Thank
you so much!!"

"A relaxing experience. Being in the gym anywhere from 3-6 hrs a
day as a personal trainer creates body pain and stress. This
lesson seemed to have a calming effect."

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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