Subject: Wave Loading + Cluster Training = YOU, STRONGER

Want more strength? This will do it for you.

We're going to combine two of my favorite training techniques into one extremely potent "power mash up."

These two techniques are wave loading and cluster training.


Time for some background...

This is a bit of simplification but the form of Wave Loading we'll be doing here is a rep strategy which takes advantage of nervous system activation to allow you to use heavier training weights than you normally might able to for similar sets/weights. This is done in "waves".

The full explanation of wave loading is beyond what I'm going to get into here, however, here's an example...the first "wave" might be sets of 3 reps, 2 reps, then 1 rep...each with somewhat heavier weight. The second "wave" would then have you repeating those rep ranges, just with slightly heavier weights.

That's what we're going to be doing here.

And the "waves" are going to be done within the structure of Cluster Training.

Cluster Training, if you're not familiar with it, is a way to break up a set into more easily digestible chunks, essentially.

For example, you might take a weight you could normally get 10 reps with and perform sets of 4 reps with it, with 10 seconds rest, for 6 mini-sets. This allows you to get substantially more training volume (24 reps) with a given weight (a 10 RM weight) within a relatively short timeframe, increasing your training density.


Now, I fully realize that's a lot to throw at you all at once.

It's time to simplify it all by showing you how you're going to do it for strength.

Each cluster is going to consist of the following pattern...3 reps, rest 10 seconds, 2 reps, rest 10 seconds, then 1 rep...then rest 2-3 minutes. That's your first cluster-wave.

For your second cluster-wave, you're going to bump up the weight a little, then repeat the pattern.

For your third and final cluster-wave, you're going to push the weight to something that'll stretch your capability to hit the reps.

This is going to allow you to use a relatively heavy weight (higher intensity of load) for more volume than you normally would be able to with standard loading schemes.

It works EXTREMELY well for building strength.

I'm going to use Front Squats as the example here.

My Front Squat is not huge, but this technique is one that I'm using to build it up.

For the first wave, I've got 185 lbs on the bar. This a weight I could hit for 6-8 reps. Use that as a guideline for your first wave. You want to use a weight that's well within your capacity...this is a "tune up" set to get your body warmed up for the specific movement and to wake up your nervous system.

Perform one mini-set of 3 reps.

Re-rack the bar, rest 10 seconds, then perform another mini-set of 2 reps. Re-rack the bar then rest 10 seconds. Then perform a final mini-set of 1 rep.

Then rest 2-3 minutes.

For the second wave, I increased the weight to 205 lbs.

Repeat the cluster-wave pattern - 3 reps, 10 seconds rest, 2 reps, 10 seconds rest, 1 rep, 2-3 minutes rest.

Then increase the weight again. I went up to 225 lbs, which was pushing the loading for me.

Again, repeat the 3-2-1 pattern.

You're done!

That's Wave Loading Cluster Training.

Once you get an idea of how to perform it, it's not nearly as complicated as it sounds.

What I like to do immedately after that is to do sets of heavy singles, to push my top-end weights. You use the Wave Loading Cluster Training to build your base of your strength and then use the heavy singles to maximize the peak of your strength.

Perform 2-3 sets of single reps, with 2-3 minutes rest in between.

I went up to 245 for my first single, then 255 for my second single (I stopped there as my form was starting to break down from the previous loading). However, if you do 2 singles and feel you have room to reach for more, do it.

This two-part 3-2-1 method (and the WLCT) in general works MUCH better with compound exercises. If you want to use it with isolation exercises, I would recommend working with somewhat higher rep ranges. For example, use a 6-4-2 loading pattern to get more overall volume on the target muscles.

Watch the video of this training method in action here...(very useful to "get it" so you know exactly what you're doing when you try it out.


The Best Magnesium Supplement I've Ever Tried - 15% off this weekend only!

I had sent an email about this to you earlier today but wanted to follow up, in case you didn't get a chance to read it.

Whenever somebody asks me what the #1 supplement they should be taking is, I tell them hands-down it's magnesium.

Almost everybody is deficient to some degree (sometimes a very large degree) in magnesium, unless you really make it a focus of your nutrition.

Soil has been so depleted of nutrients over the years that it's tough to get enough in what you eat.

Personally, I've been taking magnesium religiously for more than 25 years. It's one of the few supplements I will NEVER go without.

And if you're not getting enough, it can have BIG TIME negative effects on your health and your fitness.


The biggest effect I found with magnesium is that very soon after I started taking it, I was literally 10% stronger...almost overnight.

Healthwise, magnesium is the body’s “master mineral” that has over 600 critical reactions, including detoxification... fat metabolism... energy... even digestion is influenced by the presence of magnesium. 

Most supplements contain only 1 or 2 forms of magnesium... when in reality there are at least 7 that your body needs and benefits from. 

  • Magnesium Chelate is especially important for muscle building, recovery, and health. [17]
  • Magnesium Citrate helps with the effects of obesity. 
  • Magnesium Bisglycinate is most often used to treat symptoms of too much stomach acid such as stomach upset, heartburn, and acid indigestion. [19]
  • Magnesium Malate is thought to be the most bioavailable form (found naturally in fruits, giving them "tart taste.") [20] It can help with migraines, chronic pain, and depression.
  • Magnesium Aspartate — a form of the mineral that helps the connection between your brain and muscles, your cardiac rhythms, and the overall acid-alkaline balance in your body.  [21]
  • Magnesium Taurate is best for your heart.
  • Magnesium Orotate helps your heart, too, and is believed to be the best form for metabolic improvements. It enhances recovery, energy and performance. [23]


So if you've tried magnesium supplements in the past and didn't find much of an effect, it could very well be that the type you took wasn't getting well absorbed (there are definite differences in how your body handles different types).

The single best magnesium supplement I've ever found is called Magnesium Breakthrough, created by my friends at Bioptimizers.

And right now, they've got it on sale for 15% off, through this weekend only.


Will I feel a difference?

I think you will. I've tested Magnesium Breakthrough and I think it's the best magnesium product on the market.

The full spectrum of magnesium types really sets it apart.

As well, they stand behind their product with a FULL YEAR guarantee...they'll even refund shipping costs.


The Bottom Line

If you're not getting enough magnesium, it WILL compromise your health and your fitness results. That is a fact.

Taking supplemental magnesium is literally one of the simplest and most effective "bang for your buck" nutritional fixes that you can do.

This particular product has ZERO ill effects (if you've had digestive issues with other magnesium supplements, it's likely you've taken the cheap oxide form that many manufacturers use, which will definitely clean you out and not in a good way) and offers a full spectrum of magnesium forms for optimal results.

And right now, for this weekend only, you can get it for 15% off the regular price.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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