Subject: Want to bench press 300+...or maybe 400+ lbs? Read this...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yeah, those numbers sound pretty dang good, even to me!

Right up front, I have to admit, my genetics are TERRIBLE for
bench press. In the past, I've managed to work myself up to some
decent numbers (350 lbs is the most I've done on the flat bench),
but bench has always been struggle for me.

I was always envious of the guys with natural talent for
know the ones...the guys with short T-Rex arms and a 5 inch range
of motion :)

So if YOU struggle with bench (heck, even if you don't), here's
the deal...

If my major goal was increasing my bench press, I would
immediately seek advice and programs from guys who have BEEN
where I've been...NOT the genetic freaks who can already bench
monster weights without having to struggle for every pound

I would want to learn from somebody who basically wrote the book
on effective bench press training...(very smooth intro there,
wasn't it ;)

That guy would me my friend Mike Westerdal (and he actually IS my
friend...known him for 7 years now!) and his book would be
Critical Bench 2.0.


Mike started out skinny, just like I did...he gained 75 lbs of
muscle and got his bench up 452 lbs. He not only talks the talk,
he walks the walk by actually competing in bench press meets.
He's got the knowledge and the programs to get your bench up FAST
with legit programs and sound advice.

If I wanted a bigger bench as a major goal (and one day, I do
want to hit 405 lbs), THIS is the stuff I'd be using.


I've also got four cool things for you here...

1. Mike is currently have a 50% off sale on his updated Critical
Bench 2.0 for the next few days because it's the TEN year
anniversary of the program.

2. To help Mike celebrate this (and to give YOU more stuff), I'm
also kicking in my Best Arm Exercises and Best Chest exercises
ebooks as bonuses when you get Mike's program.

3. Tomorrow, I'll be doing a teleseminar with Mike on bench press
- 8 pm EST. I'll be sending details tomorrow morning so watch out
for it.

4. I've got a special report from Mike for you called "7 Fastest
Ways to Increase Your Bench". You can grab that here (no opt-in
or anything to do for it - just download, read and put to work!).
Right-click and choose "save target as" to grab it.


That's all for now!

Go check out Mike's Critical Bench 2.0 program here:



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