Subject: Want to avoid the "resolution" crowds at the gym... Do THIS to build mass instead...

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Anybody who has trained regularly at a commercial gym has experienced THIS... :)


When I used to train in commercial gyms, it was one of the most frustrating times of the year.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm 100% in favor of people getting in better shape and improving their health and strength.

And I would always support people who genuinely wanted to make it a permanent part of their lives. Helping determined, self-motivated people like this is my passion in life!

I'm speaking from the perspective of waiting for equipment and dealing with people who are unclear (and unwilling to learn) about gym ettiquette.


If you want to avoid the crowds at the gym for a few weeks, NOW is the perfect time for some at-home bodyweight training...

And one of the best ways to do it is with isometric bodyweight training.

Isometrics are incredibly effective for building muscle while being easy on the joints and on recovery.

I wouldn't train like this for a long-term training cycle of months, but for short-term change-up of 4-5 weeks, absolutely.


Here's who I recommend for Bodyweight Isometric Training

When you click here, you'll be taken to a program called "Isometrics Fit"

The program was put together by a friend of mine by the name of Alby Gonzalez. He used targeted bodyweight isometrics to help him get into THIS shape.

If you want to discover his methods for developing strength and muscle mass with bodyweight isometric training, click here.

Even if isometric training isn't going to be your primary focus, having an arsenal of bodyweight stuff like this that you can use ANYWHERE is incredibly helpful for staying in shape while travelling or if your life gets insanely busy and you can't get to the gym.

Or, like in this time of year, if the gym gets insanely busy and you can't get in a good workout!

Do THIS to avoid the "resolution" crowds at the gym....

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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