Subject: Want thick, buzz-saw serratus muscles? Try THIS...

The serratus muscles are the small, diagonal "fingerlike" muscles that sit on the rib cage between the lats and the pecs and they are VERY hard to effectively train and build.

This exercise targets them PERFECTLY and with heavy weight.

The serratus anterior is, for me, one of the "white whale" muscles that I've been pursuing for decades. I've never been able to find an exercise that really hit that muscle strongly and effectively...until now.

Some people are genetically gifted to have excellent mechanics for developing the serratus...often without really even trying. These people have serratus muscles that pop out, even if they don't have low bodyfat.

The legendary Frank Zane had some of the best serratus development in bodybuilding history.

And some people (like me, and possibly you), DON'T have good mechanics for activating the serratus and struggle to achieve any significant development of the area.

This exercise will do the trick to build those buzz-saw serratus muscles you want.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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