Subject: Want six-pack abs? Read this...

So...when it comes to getting six-pack abs...what's the first thing that pops into your head?

If you said "crunches"...well, to be completely honest, crunches are NOT going to do it for you. To fully develop the abs and get that six-pack look you want, it's going to take more targeted training.

And THAT is where my friend and colleague Carl Juneau comes in...he's put together a nice program that can really help you achieve that six-pack you're going for...and all WITHOUT crunches and sit-ups.

Click here to learn more about those six-pack exercises now...

Naturally, what you eat and how much bodyfat you carry plays a BIG role in how your abs look. In my experience, though, using effective abdominal exercises can really make a tremendous difference in the results you get in the midsection.

Crunches really don't cut it...I think I've done maybe one set of normal crunches in the past 5 years (no exagerration).

Carl's got some very good info and definitely worth having a look at if developing that six-pack is a major goal of yours.


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