Subject: Want better cardio for faster fat loss? Try THIS...

Now, I know I don't talk a whole lot about cardio training here...

But it IS important.

And while it's not 100% necessary for fat loss, it CAN go a long way to helping you reach your fat loss goals faster.

...especially if you do it RIGHT.

Personally, I've come up with a few different methods for improving cardio training but my methods are not always for everybody...

For example, I do a lot of long distance loaded carries where I'm carrying, pulling, pushing or otherwise hauling hundreds of pounds in weird ways around my neighborhood for miles at a time. I said, not for everybody :)

My friend and colleague, Rusty Moore, has taken a different route...

He's come up with a very specific cardio protocol (using your favorite cardio machine at the gym) designed to maximize fat loss without impacting recovery.

It's really clever and well thought out and I can see it being HIGHLY effective.

If you want to get more fat loss bang for your buck out of your cardio training, you should absolutely check this out...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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