Subject: Want better abs for summer? Here's how to get 'em...

So if getting six-pack abs for the summer is a priority for you, I've got something you're going to like...

It's some very good abdominal training info from fellow trainer Carl Juneau.

And I have to say, I really like the approach he takes with his's no nonsense and delivers really practical info you can put to work in your own training to start seeing results in your abs very quickly.

Definitely worth checking out!


P.S. I know it's a bit late but I want to wish my American friends a happy 4th of July! Hopefully, you didn't blow up too much of your neighborhood with fireworks... :)

When people in the U.S. here find out I'm from Canada, especially this time of year, they sometimes ask me if we have a 4th of July in Canada...and I tell them yes...and a 5th and a 6th and a 7th...which brings me to wishing my fellow Canadians a happy belated Canada Day! (July 1st).

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