Subject: Want MONSTER traps? A neck like a BULL?...Use this exercise...

A big, thick set of traps shows that you're a serious trainer...even
more so than big arms, which can hide under clothing, Massive traps
are on display pretty much 24/7.

So have normal shrugs let you down when it comes to
building traps?

If so, I've got an exercise for YOU.

This is a Hybrid version of the standard dumbell shrug. And by
Hybrid I mean you'll be combining two forms of resistance into
one movement to better match the strength curve and fiber
alignment of the target muscles...the trapezius.

This is going to light up your traps like nothing you've ever felt before.

Check out Cable-Dumbell Hybrid Shrugs here...

Cable-Dumbell Hybrid Shrugs

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel

P.S. If you're interested in more Hybrid exercises like this one,
I've actually written a full book on the topic, covering a TON
more exercise for all bodyparts.

You can check that out here (and I've got it on a temporary price
reduction down to $14.95)

Hybrid Training

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