Subject: WAKE UP your biceps with this killer barbell curl technique...

Got a VERY powerful barbell bicep curl technique for you here today...this one flat out SHOCKED me with how well it worked when I first came up with it yesterday. Wish I had thought of this one years ago...

I call it the Rack-Leaning Barbell Curl and you actually HAVE to do this one in the power's one of the very few times I'm going to insist on it :)

This exercise gives you something that the normal bicep curl does not...a pre-stretch at the bottom of the exercise. This will have a HUGE impact on the effectiveness of the curl from there.

Stretching a muscle before contracting it activates significantly more fibers in that muscle, basically WAKING UP those fibers and making them contribute to the movement. And that means more muscle fibers get worked giving you immediately more potential for growth in that muscle.

Click here to check it out now...


P.S. I also wanted to give you a quick heads-up on something time-sensitive friends and colleagues Vince DelMonte and his wife Flavia just landed a magazine cover together! To celebrate this achievement, they've put ALL their products on a short (48 hour) 50% off sale. That's HALF price on everything.

This is a great value on some excellent training information and it's definitely worth having a look at.

Vince and Flavia 50% off sale...

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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