Subject: Use tempo training to lose those "batwing" arms...

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!

Hey, just a quick article here from Melissa Wall, the author of
the new "Women's Arm Training Secrets" manual that I wrote you
about the other day...some good info on how to change the tempo
(i.e. timing) of your reps to get more out of your arm training.



P.S. Here's the link to the book again, to check that out -
definitely look for her before and after pics on the site! HUGE



Tempo Training
by Melissa Wall

First and foremost – I can’t believe how MANY different names
we have given that flabby unwanted skin on our arms. Everything
from ‘lunch lady arms’, to ‘batwings’, to ‘teacher
arms’ – and I’ve even heard some more – but they aren’t
as nice.

But no matter what you call it – arm flab is gross. No one
wants it and we need an action plan to get rid of it.

Once I made the first change to my arm training routine I began
to see a slight difference in my physique. However, it wasn’t
enough to REALLY get rid of that arm flab.

Then I was watching some reality show on TV about singing/dancing
and they mentioned tempo. Which then reminded me of one painful
workout that I did with a friend who made me use ‘tempo’ when
doing certain movements.

With that – another light came on!

You’re like huh? Give me two seconds to explain.

When working out – you usually go through the motions. For
example a tricep push-down. You push the bar down until your arms
are fully extended and then you bring the bar back up. Usually
just going up and down and up and down. Just letting the weight

However – if you do your tricep push-down following a tempo –
you will feel a COMPLETELY different burn.

So – for example when doing your tricep push-down you follow a
3-2-1 tempo. This means that when you push down to extend your
arms – you go slow – taking 3 seconds until your arms are
fully extended. Then once at the bottom hold for a count of 2
seconds – then let bend your arms back up to your starting
position for a count of 1.

Adding this tempo challenges your muscles for a longer period of
time – allowing them to do more work and therefore helping you
see more results!

Not to mention -its going to make your arms sore!

For more information on Women's Arm Training Secrets, click


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