Subject: Upside down training...a GREAT program that does everything WRONG...

If you've been training awhile, you've no doubt experienced the dreaded
"plateau." It's a terrible place where, no matter how hard you try and no
matter what you do, nothing seems to happen. Well, you're in luck...busting
plateaus is my speciality!

The Upsidedown Training Program is one of my favorite "shake-up" programs
and it's a pretty simple one.

It's most useful when you find your smaller muscle groups are slowing
down in development because, like a good trainer should, you're always
doing the "big" exercises (like squats, deadlifts, barbell rows and bench
press) first.

So today, I'm going to tell you basically (from a training standpoint) when
and how to eat your dessert first and why it can work wonders for you in
the short term and long term.

Click here to check out the Upside Down Training Program now...



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