Subject: Upper body fat burning workout - (lactate dumbbell complex)...

This is a great upper body workout not only for fat loss... it's also ideal for when you're feeling a bit beaten up and need some lighter training.

The primary goal of this technique is generate as much lactic acid (i.e. lactate) as possible, getting as many reps as you can on each exercise until the burn shuts you down.

It's a 5 exercise dumbbell complex (moving non-stop from one exercise to the next without setting down the weights).

The first two exercises are the strongest exercises and will allow you to get the most reps. After that, you'll basically fight through to get as many as you can with the other three exercises.

In terms of stubborn fat burning, generating lactic acid has been shown to ramp up Growth Hormone secretion, which allows your body to unlock and access stubborn fat.

Get the full rundown on this fat-burning workout here... it's light but VERY effective.

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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