Subject: Upper Body BURN... Lactate DB Complex

This is a great upper body workout for when you're feeling a bit beaten up and need some lighter training.

It's also an excellent method for accessing stubborn fat via GH secretion.

You'll just need one pair of light dumbbells for this (I'm using a pair of 25's) and you'll be doing 5 exercises in a row for your upper body...bench press, rows, lateral raises, lying extensions and curls...non-stop, without setting down the dumbbells.

The goal of this technique is generate as much lactic acid (i.e. lactate) as possible through the entire complex, getting as many reps as you can on each exercise until the burn shuts you down.

The first two exercises are the strongest exercises and will allow you to get the most reps. After that, you'll basically fight through to get as many as you can with the other three exercises.

For weight selection, go very light. The lateral raise is going to be your weakest exercise, so pick a weight you normally could get probably about 20 reps with on that one. Everything else will follow from there.

In terms of stubborn fat burning, generating lactic acid has been shown to ramp up Growth Hormone secretion, which allows your body to unlock and access stubborn fat. Ideally, you'll want to do this training fasted as insulin interferes with GH secretion.

You're going to do 4-6 total rounds of this complex with 1 minute rest in between rounds. We want to keep the rest short so that your body doesn't get a chance to clear all the lactic acid out. As you go through the sets, this means you'll get fewer and fewer reps due to the systemic build-up.


Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

When doing these, focus on contracting the pecs solidly on each rep. Don't worry about the negative.


Seated Dumbbell Rows

Sit forward on the bench and lean forward. Don't let the elbows straighten to full extension at the bottom. This will help keep the lactic acid localized by occluding (slowing) blood flow out of the area.


Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Some body movement is permissable with this one, due to the mismatch in weight (when you compare the stronger exercises to this one). In order to get enough reps to make it worthwhile, you'll need to use some assistance in this fashion.


Lying Tricep Extensions

I like to do a neutral grip for these as it's the most natural position when using dumbbells. Keep the upper arms vertical and lower beside your head.


Alternating Dumbbell Curls

You can also do these both arms at the same time, if you like. I prefer alterating in order to get more total reps.


That's it!

Aim for "chemical" failure on each of these exercises, basically meaning go until the burn shuts you down and you can't do more reps with good form.

Rest 1 minute, then go again. Do 4-6 total rounds of this, with 1 minute rest between each round, and you're done.

Watch the full video for this workout here.



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I decided to make it one of my ultra high rep days. Last attempt about 6 weeks ago I got 35 reps X 225 lbs. This time with your shirt I got 41 reps with 225 lbs (my PR is 54 - at least 20 years ago).

I'm not sure how it will change my performance on heavier low rep back squats, but on high rep squats it helps a ton!

What happens when reps get really high is everything hurts...quads, glutes, arches of your feet, lungs and usually your upper back...and sometimes even your delts and arms. That's from the bar slipping down, so essentially it's like you have to "press behind the neck" just to keep the bar in place, which adds to the total fatigue load.

That didn't happen with your grip shirt on. Of course everything ELSE ached and hurt, but not my upper back. The bar stays put. Thanks!

-Tom Venuto
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And I've also still got a few copies left of my hard copy books, "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of 2.0" (which contains 55 awesome, new exercises for your entire body),

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And Mad Scienist Muscle (my powerful total-body muscle-building system).

(Click here to order Mad Scientist Muscle hard copy)

And I'm happy to sign copies of these books for you, too!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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