Subject: Unlock hidden arm size with Shovel Hammer Curls...(yes, it's weird)

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This exercise targets the brachialis muscle in a unique way, both as a "pull" and a "push."

It does this by utilizing two dumbbells, stacked one on top of the other.

The brachialis muscles lie underneath the lower aspect of the biceps. When developed they work to push the biceps muscle up from underneath, increasing biceps peak and increasing overall arm size.

Building the brachialis will literally unlock "hidden" arm size as most people rarely, if ever, work their brachialis muscles.

And yes, I'll be the first to tell you that this exercise DOES look kind of stupid...but it works GREAT.

You'll see why I call this one the Shovel Hammer Curl.


Build Bigger Arms With Light Weights Using Occlusion Training

I've worked with Occlusion Training and the pump is INSANE when it's done correctly. It's legit. Very effective stuff.

If you haven't heard of it before, the idea is to constrict (a.ka. occlude) the circulation in the target muscle. This is done using strategic wrapping of the limbs to allow incoming blood flow but restricted outgoing blood flow.

This builds up the waste products of muscle contraction in the target muscles (along with blood, of course).

These waste products (and the fluid build-up) are a STRONG anabolic signal to your body for localized muscle growth, i.e. bigger biceps, if you use this technique with bicep training.

If you want to learn about how to do Occlusion Training and really use it to MAXIMIZE growth in your arms (and's best used on extremeties), I'd highly recommend checking out the book "Anabolic Finishers," from my friend and collegaue Todd Lamb.

This is an excellent "how to" guide to Occlusion Training, including instructions on how to best wrap your arms and legs so you get the greatest benefits from this technique, and what sort of set/rep scheme to use.

Occlusion Training doesn't replace the other training you're doing for arms (and legs)'s used as a "finisher" to give you an extra shot of growth stimulus at the end of a workout.

And it WORKS.

Grab your copy of Anabolic Finishers here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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