Subject: UNLOCK your stubborn fat with this SIMPLE training protocol...

If you have stubborn fat you want to get rid of, you NEED to focus on Lactic Acid Training (in addition to diet, of course!).

Lactic Acid (i.e. the "burn"...the byproduct itself is actually more accurately described as "Lactate," though I'll stick with Lactic Acid as the term is more familiar) is extremely powerful for fat loss for one MAJOR reason...Lactic Acid build-up in the muscles causes a release of Growth Hormone in your body.

And Growth Hormone is one of the primary "keys" for unlocking stubborn fat, while at the same time preserving muscle tissue.

It's literally a "secret weapon" for fat loss.


Side note: in order for Lactic Acid to kick out maximum Growth Hormone, you need to train in a FASTED state...and that means no food for at least 4 hours before training. Any sort of pre-workout meal (especially carbs, which cause a release in GH's arch-enemy insulin), will blunt the release of GH.


Now, this particular circuit is going to focus on VERY high rep non-stop training for every major muscle group in your body, covered in 3 exercises.

This circuit is extremely useful for a number of reasons...

1. There is very little equipment required...all you need is an empty bar and a bench (though the bench is actually optional). This makes it perfect for training in a crowded gym or at home. It can also be done with dumbbells as well, if you don't have a bar or if the bar is too heavy for high reps for you.

2. It doesn't load the spine with a lot of weight, making it very effective for training days when you're feeling a little beaten up and not recovered enough to handle heavy loading yet you still want to/need to get in a workout.

3. There is NO wasted time, so your training efficiency is through the roof. Literally, you will get ZERO rest for your entire workout. You're just shifting the focus around to different areas of your body all the way through, which allows you to keep going continuously.


How To Do It

There is nothing crazy about the three exercises you're going to be doing...flat barbell bench press, barbell rows and barbell squats. These are all normal and straightforward.

The "crazy" part is, you will NOT get any rest and you will NOT let go of the bar until you're done.

I recommend doing these as a block of time, e.g. 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes. I went with a 20 minute block and I found it to be perfect for me.

You're going to be doing as many reps as you can on every set of every exercise until Lactic Acid build-up shuts you down...and you're going to repeat the cycle of exercises for the full time block until it's done.

Exercise #1 - Flat Barbell Bench Press

Because it's such a light weight, you don't need a full bench press station or rack for it. If you can't get at least 40 to 50 reps with the empty Olympic bar on the first set, use an EZ bar (or other lighter straight bar or even dumbbells) instead.

Just pick it up, lie back on the bench and go to town. DO NOT use spastic, bouncy reps. You want to keep the bar under control so that you're generating the Lactic Acid. We're not looking for any noticeable "negative" component to the exercise...that part doesn't generate Lactic Acid.

Basically, you want to crank out reps until you can't crank out any more.


Exercise #2 - Barbell Bent-Over Rows - Overhand Grip

Keep your hands exactly where they are on the bar, sit up on the bench, the stand up and get directly into the bent-over row position.

Then have at it.

Keep an arch in your lower back and focus on pulling the bar up with the muscles of your upper back. Don't bounce your body up and down...the weight is light enough that your form should stay tight.

When you can't do any more reps, stand up straight, then hang clean and press the bar overhead and set it on your upper back.

And then go to...

Exercise #3 - Barbell Squats

This is just a normal squat...down and up. Be sure to control your descent...not necessarily slow enough to be a "negative", but controlled enough that you're not bouncing out of the bottom and giving your knees problems.

Crank out as many reps as you can then IMMEDIATELY press the bar up over your head and lie back down on the bench and repeat the cycle.

On that last rep, use the squat to push-press the bar up and over your's light enough that this shouldn't be an issue to do.


Do This for 10, 15 or 20 Minutes NON-STOP...

...Literally not setting down or letting go of the bar the whole way through. Training non-stop like this is what makes this circuit so effective.

You will be performing continuous work through the entire block. It's light enough that you'll still be able to get plenty of reps without seriously compromising your overall nervous system recovery.

The exercises use antagonisitic loading (chest and back) as well as upper body/lower body loading to constantly shift the workload to another area when one area gets fatigued.

It generates a TON of Lactic Acid to help with accessing of stubborn fat, with the assistance of Growth Hormone.

And in a very weird sort of way, it's both challenging and easy at the same!

Lactic Acid Training (like this above) is a KEY component of my Metabolic Surge program (which I've been talking about the past few days).


The 50% Off Sale Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss program ends TOMORROW at midnight...

Metabolic Surge is THE single best fat-loss program I've ever done, bar none...and I'm not just saying the because I wrote it.

This program is legit.

To give you an idea...these pictures were taken approximately 3 months apart, after I did two rounds through the program (each round is 36 days, with 10 days in between rounds for recovery).

Now yes, there are a LOT of differences in the settings of the pictures (lighting, poses, etc.). I was coming off a layoff in the first pic as well. I'm not trying to fool anybody with these pictures.

However, even with all the differences in setting, you can clearly see some SERIOUS results.

Those are the kinds of results that are possible with this're going to burn fat incredibly fast while KEEPING your muscle and strength (some people even GAIN some!).

Until TOMORROW at midnight, you can get Metabolic Surge for HALF PRICE...just 15 bucks.

If you don't have the program already, don't miss out on this. I haven't put it on sale in YEARS.


What Equipment Do You Need?

I put together this program with flexibility in mind...meaning that you really don't need much equipment at all to do this program!

Even if you just have dumbbells, you're golden.

I recommend exercises that fit into categories, rather than specific exercises. Meaning, if I say to do a "squat" type of exercise, you can do a barbell squat, dumbbell squat, goblet squat, kettlebell squat, one-leg bodyweight squat, etc.

It's really up to you and what you have available to work with!

Get Metabolic Surge here...


Metabolic Surge Rundown Video

Now, the links above will take you to a "text" webpage where you can read about the program.

If you've got some time and want to learn the full rationale behind every single phase of the program, I put together a "seminar" style video where I walk you through it all.

(You'll get about 90% of the program in that video, so it IS worth's not one of those slideshow videos that tease you on and on...this is good, actionable info).

I also included a text version of the rundown below the video as well, if you don't have time to watch the whole thing. I fully realize that I can get really excited about the stuff I'm talking about in my videos and overdeliver on information... ;).

Watch the video/read the full Metabolic Surge rundown here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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