Subject: Two things...307% better results and 1 thing that makes me VERY angry...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

First thing...and it's the one that makes angry. It came out
recently that the Corn Retailers Association (CRA) has petitioned
the FDA to allow manufacturers the option of calling "high
fructose corn syrup" by a different name... specifically, "corn

In a press release, the CRA said the reason for the request is
that their research shows the "current labeling is confusing to
American consumers". It also said that the "current stigma"
attached to their product is due to what they called "inaccurate
media accounts".

To me, this is total BS. It's like those commercial they put out
where somebody is eating something full of HFCS and the person
with them says "corn syrup is bad for you" to which the first
person says "why?" And, of course, in their commercial, they make
the person questioning HFCS look like an idiot because they can't

HFCS is a foreign substance to your body and is converted more
easily into fat than regular sugar. It can cause of host of
problems in your body with long-term consumption and is one of
the roots of the obesity epidemic in this country. Other than
that, yeah, it's great stuff.

In any event, if you are as convinced as we are that High
Fructose Corn Syrup is something you'd rather avoid, if you see
product labels listing "Corn Sugar" as an ingredient... don't be
fooled, it's High Fructose Corn Syrup. Watch out for it because
the FDA will most likely cave on it.


So second a mini-article for you here from Joel
Marion that goes with his complimentary report I told you about
the other day...4 Keys to 4Xs FASTER Fat Loss:

One Trick to Boost Results 307%
By Joel Marion CISSN, NSCA-CPT

Want to burn a THOUSAND calories every workout? All you need to
do is understand the principles of R-Quattro technology.

What is R-Quattro technology?

Simply put, R-Quattro is one of the most strategic and effective
progression systems ever developed to move you from burning
minimal calories per workout to over ONE THOUSAND calories per
workout in as little as four weeks.

We go over the entire R-Quattro system in DETAIL in our brand new
freee report here:


But here's a simple synopsis. R-Quattro revolves around what
we've deemed the 4 R's of strategic progression (thus the name):

1. Reps - the number of repetitions per exercise
2. Rest - the rest periods between exercises or rounds
3. Resistance - the weight used for each exercise
4. Rounds - the number of circuits completed per workout

When you learn how to manipulate the four variables of R-Quattro
in the most strategic fashion possible from workout to workout,
week to week, you'll be well on your way to burning MASSIVE
calories each and every time you step into your sneakers.

In addition to R-Quattro, we also share our Strategic Set
Progression (SSP), which literally makes R-Quattro 3 times more

Grab the full report here:



That's all for today!


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