Subject: Two Block new muscle-building book!

This is, to be quite frank, the SIMPLEST way to build muscle I've ever found.

Two Block Mass is based on the most PRIMAL growth process you've got...systemic overload and your body's "grow or die" response to it.

If you want to just go grab it now, you can buy it directly here for 10 bucks (special introductory limited-time price).

In this program, we will use the concept of "Accumulation and Intensification"... if you've used my Mad Scientist Muscle program, you'll recognize this concept (if you previously purchased Mad Scientist Muscle, check your email for a special note about this program).

"Accumulation and Intensification" is a fancy way of saying we're going to overload you with targeted training volume and a strategic increase in training density (more sets, less rest) over the course of 3 weeks. You're accumulating volume and you'll build muscle FAST.

Then, we're going to follow it with 3 weeks of heavier training with more rest and fewer sets, taking advantage of your body's "over-reaching" response to what you just did. You'll get stronger FAST.

It's like driving a car up a hill with the pedal floored...then when you come over the top and go down the other side, you keep the pedal floored and you ROAR down the other side.


This is how your body works.

If you've stuggled to build mass using programs that don't take into account your body's systemic response to training workload, you will always continue to struggle.

This approach is takes full advantage of how your body responds to training and maximizes it.

It's not complicated and it flat-out WORKS.



In this program, you'll get 4 blocks of Accumulation Training to choose from and 4 blocks of Intensification Training to choose from.

All you have to do is decide which blocks appeal to you the most, put them together and you've got yourself a powerful "done-for-you" 6-week mass-building program.


You'll Also Get My "One-Week Mass" Program With It

I've taken this Accumulation and Intensification concept and compressed it into a one-week program that you can use for as long (or as short) as you like.

This weekly program is a great way to test-drive the training blocks in the main program or to use as a standalone program for longer stretches. I've used this program myself with great success.


Available Only For a VERY Limited Time

This program will be available for purchase only until Monday, Aug 13th at midnight (PST). Then I'm putting it back in the vault.

You can grab your copy of it directly here for just 10 bucks right now.


Got Questions?

If you have any questions about it before you buy it, just hit reply and let me know! I'll post the answers to all the questions I get in an email tomorrow.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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