Subject: Two Block Mass...FAQ

So yesterday, I sent you an email about my new muscle-building book, Two Block Mass.

If you want to just go grab it now, you can buy it directly here for 10 bucks (special introductory limited-time price).

Today, I wanted to run through some of the questions I got about it.


1. What Is It?

It's a muscle-building program that uses a "controlled overtraining" type of framework where you ramp up the training volume over the course of three weeks then pull back for three weeks, allowing your body the chance to recover and build strength and grow.

The concept is also known as "overreaching", where you build up to the point of acute overtraining then you back off.

It's honestly THE best way I've ever come across to build muscle and strength at the same time. I definitely didn't invent it, but I've incorporated some form of it into most of my training programs because of how effective it is.

This program is based completely on that concept.


2. How Customizable Is It?

In the book, you'll get 4 blocks of Accumulation Training, each of which are designed to build you up to a point of overtraining in three weeks.

You'll pick whichever one of these blocks appeals to you most.

Then you'll also pick an Intensification block, which is a block of training focused on strength. These feature longer rest periods, fewer sets, and heavier loads.

Pick whichever one of these you'd like to use after the Accumulation Block.

It's a very simple customization, but it allows you to focus on the types of training that you're going to get the most out of.


3. Can Anybody Use This Training Program?

Absolutely. It's perfect for men, women, seniors, teenagers, you name it. The concepts are all proven effective and safe for any age group.

I wouldn't use it with a total beginner, but anybody with about 6 months of consistent trainining under their belt could use it with great success.


4. Is There a Specific Diet You Have to Follow or Supplements You Have To Use?

Nope. While I have included some of my effective dietary advice for building muscle, I'm not a fan of meal plans. You have to find what works for YOU, and following a strict schedule is usually not the best way to do that.

And there no required supplements. I've included suggestions of things you CAN use, but there's nothing that you have to use in order to get results with it.

Success in building muscle really comes down to effective training paired with good nutrition. Supplements can help, but they'll never drive your results.


5. How Long Are the Workouts? How Many Workouts Per Week?

I like to keep all workouts to under and hour...many will be a fair bit less than that, especially in the early stages of the program.

Most of the blocks are done with a 4 workouts per week schedule.

That being said, there is one Accumulation Block (appropriately called Very High Frequency Training) that is done 6 days a week and there is one Intensification Block that is done just 3 times per week.


6. What Kind of Results Will I Get?

This training can easily put 4-6 lbs of lean mass on you in a 6-week cycle, depending on your nutrition and training experience.


7. How Long Will This Be Available For?

Not long. Since I haven't yet put together a whole web page for the book yet, I decided to make it available just to people who want to jump on it quick and get it cheap!

Right now, you can get it for just 10 bucks, until Monday (tomorrow) at midnight PST.

Then it's going back in the vault until I get the website together for it...and then the price will be higher.


The Bottom Line

When it comes to mass-building programs, I like to keep it simple and, honestly, this is the simplest way I've ever found to build guaranteed muscle.

It treats your body as a SYSTEM rather than a collection of parts.

And this type of approach is MUCH more powerful than then the "chopped up" approach you often see in muscle-building programs.

If you've been looking for a good, straightforward program to build mass, this is exactly what you're looking for.

In 6 weeks, you'll be bigger and stronger...and smarter.. ;).

Grab your copy of Two Block Mass here.

If you have any more questions about it, just let me know!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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