Subject: Two-Bar Javelin Press...killer, new shoulder exercise...

The "normal" Javelin Press is a unique exercise for the shoulders, done using a single Olympic bar.

Essentially, you're holding the bar like a javelin at your shoulder, then you press it overhead. This exercise is excellent for not only developing the deltoid muscles for strength and size, it's excellent for improving shoulder stability and stabilization strength as well.

You have an entire 7-foot bar that you have to balance as you're doing the exercise, which means you're constantly fighting to keep the bar in line.

Also, because it's normally done one arm at a time, it does work the core to some degree (uneven loading).


THIS new version is done with TWO bars at the same time.

Performing the exercise with two bars forces you to maintain more solid body positioning than the single bar version (where you can lean your torso somewhat to help press the bar). It's a more strict version of the press.

It's also a unique challenge, not only for your shoulders but in also not cracking anybody else in the skull if they happen to get too close while you're doing it (or if you have low ceilings).

The exercise is straightforward...the trick with this one comes in getting the bars into position.

If you have a partner, it's easy. They can help you get the bars into position. It could also be done by setting the bars on the rails in a power rack, however I have found the bars have a tendency to move a bit freely and they will very likely bang into the rack during the exercise, throwing you off balance.

My preferred method is the kick-up, which I'll show you here. It's very easy to do and works perfectly.

(Obviously, to do this one with a 45 lb bar, you'll need to be strong enough to press a 45 lb bar with one arm...likely you'll need to be able to dumbbell shoulder press 60+ lb dumbbells to do this one with two bars).

Lean the bars on a bench.

Sit in between the bars then get the first bar into position. Grip it in the center then lean the bar on your shoulder.

Do the same with the other bar.

Use your foot to "kick" the end of one bar upwards.

Get it level, then use the other foot to kick the other bar up to level.

Now you've got the bars in position.

Stand up and press.

Do your best to try and keep the bars under control and horizontal while pressing.

When you're done, just sit back down on the bench and lower the ends.

Then set the bars back down on the bench.

You're done!

Start with just the empty bars. As you get stronger (or you are stronger already), add weight as needed to get. You can do these for pretty much any rep range you like. I don't recommend trying to go too heavy on these as balance and bar movement can be an issue.

One of the best things about this particular exercise and set up is the neutral position of your shoulders...not pronated or externally rotated. If you have shoulder issues, this is a much more comfortable position for your shoulders to be in.

This exercise will definitely get you some looks in the gym...which is good because that way people will hopefully stay out of the way of your bars.

You can check out the video for this exercise and kick-up method here...


Want More Unique Shoulder Exercises Like This?

Check out my book "The Best Shoulder Exercises You've Never Heard Of"

If you've got stubborn shoulders like me, you will LOVE the new exercises and variations in this book.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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