Subject: Try this two-pronged exercise for a flat, strong core...

The exercise is a Dumbbell Ankle Harness Pallof Press...and it is AWESOME.

Before I get to the "ankle harness" version, if you're not familiar with the Pallof Press, you'll need to know how it's done (along with my dumbbell-added variation). Only then will you be able to appreciate how adding an ankle harness makes the exercise that much better!

The Palloff Press is an excellent core training method done using a cable machine (or band). You're using this movement as an "anti-rotation" type movement in that you're not actually rotating the torso but contracting the core muscles to prevent rotation due to resistance.

Essentially, you're standing perpendicular to the pulley, using a single cable handle (start with a light weight), with the handle in close to your body as in the picture below here.

Then just extend your arms in front of you.

As you move your hands away from your body, this increases the torque on the core, which really fires up your deep, rotational core muscles like the obliques and the transversus. This is what anti-rotation is all about - you're essentially preventing rotation by contracting the core muscles.

Then you switch around and do the other direction (not shown).

Perform sets of around 6 to 8 reps of this, depending on the weight you're using.

The second variation is exactly the same as the first only with the addition of a'll hold it in your hands as you're doing the exercise so you're not only hitting the anti-rotation, but also anti-flexion (aka core support) function of the abs.

It's hard to see in the first picture, but I've got a dumbbell held in my hands.

Now you can see it held out away from the body. This is essentially doubling the leverage torque on your body. I'm using a 25 lb dumbbell here, just fyi.

Then switch to the other side.

Adding the Ankle Harness

The next version I'm going to show you here also uses the extra dumbbell resistance (you'll be holding it up in addition to fighting the rotation) but adds in an ankle harness, so you don't have to hold the single handle in your hand, which makes the exercise more awkward.

By sliding your forearm through an ankle harness and allowing THAT to pull your torso rotationally, you take that need to grip the handle out of the equation and you can grip with BOTH hands on the dumbbell. This allows you to use a heavier dumbbell and get more out of the exercise (I'm using a 40 lb dumbbell for this one).

Start by attaching an ankle harness onto the pulley - ideally, you want to use an adjustable pulley and set it to about midsection height. Use the biggest notch on the ankle harness to make it easier to get your hand through.

Once your hand is through and the harness is on your forearm, you're ready to start.

Pick up your dumbbell and take a step directly out to the side. You can set your feet in a staggered position or directly in line with each other, just fyi.

Start with the dumbbell held in towards your abdomen.

Now, keeping your core TIGHT, extend your arms, moving the dumbbell and cable away from your body. THIS is the money part of the exercise. The cable is pulling you to the right and you have to resist that rotation AND the dumbbell is trying to pull your arms down, which you ALSO have to fight.

This double resistance places a tremendous demand on the entire core musculature.

Perform all your reps (4 to 6 is good) on one side them set the dumbbell down and switch to the other side (not shown).

If you've never done the Pallof Press, try it without the dumbbell first THEN start with a light dumbbell. This is a nice variation of the exercise that's going to really light up your midsection!


Unlock Your Hip Flexors and Lose Your Back Pain

The past few days, I've talked about an excellent program called "Unlock Your Hip Flexors". What you may not realize is that tight, "locked" hip flexors can be a major cause of back pain.

When you sit for long periods of time, the psoas (one of the deep hip flexors in your abdominal area) gets unnaturally shortened. And it STAYS locked even when you stand up, contributing to poor posture and back pain.

If you suffer from back pain and especially if you have a desk job, DEFINITELY check out this program.

It's a simple way to improve your back pain without surgery.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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