Subject: Try this little known Testosterone boosting herb for 1 penny...

It's safe, effective and has been used in Chinese Medicine for thousands of years...

(I've used it myself and it flat-out works)

It contains rare phyto-androgens that support your body's natural testosterone production, which is critical as you get older.


Now, most people think low testosterone just happens due to aging... and that it's just something we have to deal with as men.

And yep, while age can certainly be a big factor, with proper supplementation, you CAN turn it around.

Because if you have low testosterone, it can lead to a multitude of negative (and sometimes embarassing) effects on your body including...

  • low energy
  • low bone density
  • androgen deficiency
  • decrease in sexual drive and motivation
  • weight gain
  • muscle loss
  • mood instabilities
  • hair loss
  • fatigue
  • and a whole lot more...


In today's polluted world, we have a lot working against us.... attacking our health and hormones.

There are so many hormone-disrupting chemicals and environmental estrogens bombarding us all the time. 

It's no wonder testosterone levels are plummeting in men these days...even in men under 40!

We come into contact with these chemicals daily in things like plastics, soap, shampoo, air pollution, non-organic produce (pesticides), electronics, building materials and so much more.

There is almost no avoiding these T-killers completely, but there IS something you can do to protect yourself... your hormones... and your wellbeing.

Pine Pollen is one of them.

It's a a safe and effective way to combat these harmful chemicals while also supporting numerous other aspects of health.

The even better news is that my friends at Lost Empire Herbs (the brand of pine pollen that I've tried and tested) are practically giving it away right now for just ONE PENNY. Just cover a small shipping fee and it's yours.


Now...this is not a sneaky subscription offer that you can't cancel.

Nor is it a tiny trial size that's not even worth the price of shipping.

This is the exact same FULL size product they sell from their website every single day.

And they're offering it at a loss for new customers just so that you can try it and experience the benefits yourself...the idea being that you love it so much that you keep on buying it, of course!

Get your One Penny Pine Pollen here...and FEEL the difference when you wake up in the morning...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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