Subject: Try this killer Kettlebell Complex Challenge workout...(inside)

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Are you up for today's 300 Kettlebell Complex Challenge?

Give it a try, then get a full week of the "300" KB Challenge program free (for a limited time) here.

Complete 5 rounds of the sequence below as fast as possible.

Do the presses, split squats, and one arm swings "complex" style, flowing from one move to the next without putting the KB down...

6 KB press (right side)
8 KB split squat w/ KB in rack position (right side)
10 one arm KB swing (right side)
6 KB press (left side)
8 KB split squat w/ KB in rack position (left side)
10 one arm KB swing (left side)
12 burpees

Get a full week of the "300" KB Challenge program free (for a limited time) here!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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