Subject: Try THIS to get better sleep and manage your stress...naturally!

The past few years have been tough on our bodies and minds.

Sleep is at a premium...

You may be having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting enough quality sleep to feel rested. 

Your stress levels are off the charts, and you’re suffering because of it. 

My friends at Lost Empire Herbs have one of the single most effective products to combat this: Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic (traditional Indian medicine) herb used for common concerns such as stress, inability to sleep and focus, immune support, and mood balance. 

It's also a useful tool to support healthy thyroid function in males and females.

Overall, if you’re looking to balance your hormones, Ashwagandha can be an excellent, supportive part of your health routine. 

Lost Empire Herbs Ashwagandha TINCTURE is a new and powerful approach to the traditional use of the Ayurvedic plant Ashwagandha.


How does Ashwagandha work?

Ashwagandha can help normalize cortisol levels in the body. 

Cortisol is known as “the stress hormone.” When you have too much of it you feel anxious, constantly stressed, angry, irritable, unfocused, and impatient. 

Cortisol clearly plays a MAJOR role in our physical health. 

But it also affects our quality of work, our relationships, our creativity, and our mental ability to react to life’s stressors. 

By bringing your cortisol into balance you’ll begin to feel less stress. 

You’ll also be able to fall asleep easier and have a more restful sleep, no longer plagued by anxious thoughts and restless feelings. 

Bringing your cortisol levels back to balance can have positive effects on EVERY part of your life, from success in your career to happier thriving relationships. 

Lost Empire Herbs Ashwagandha can help you achieve all of that…with some added, very exciting side benefits in your intimate life.

The quality of ALL of their products is top garbage...just active ingredient. And the tincture (liquid) they've developed is highly absorbable so you get more of it into your system.

I've been using their stuff for's the best out there, in my opinion and experience.

Read more about their Ashwagandha Tincture here and grab a bottle to start feeling less stressed now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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