Subject: Try One-Arm Stretch Cable Rows for your mid-back...

This version of the one-arm row is going to put a massive stretch on the muscles of the mid-back.

It's a fantastic movement to perform either as an activation exercise at the start of your back training or as a finishing exercise after the heavier work.

To do this one, you'll need a single handle (or V handle) and a low pulley. This can be done on a seated cable row machine, but it doesn't have to be.

Also, I like to use a short length of chain (about 2 feet) to make it easier to get into position and perform, that isn't fully necessary either.

Use a relatively light to moderate weight for this one. I have 80 pounds on the weight stack. This one is all about stretch and feeling the movement, not using power to hammer out reps.

Grip the single handle and take a few steps back. Squat down a bit then turn so that your shoulders are rotated towards the weight stack. You should feel a good stretch in the mid-back muscles already. You should be leaning forward a bit.

Next, you're going to sit back without rowing (yet). This uses your bodyweight to intensify the stretch. You should really feel this one digging into the muscles strongly. If you don't, adjust your body position until you do. Think of this as a cross-body rowing movement.

Brace your non-working arm on your thigh to give you something to stretch against.

Now start rowing, rotating your shoulders back around as you pull.

Continue the row until your hand is close into your body. At this point, your shoulders are about square to your hips.

Hold for a second or two, then lower slowly and repeat. Aim for about 6 to 8 reps of this then switch to the other side.

Once you've finished your reps on the other side, you're done.

If you've got tight muscles in your mid-back, this exercise is an amazing movement for really loosening them up and alleviating the tightness.

Really focus on getting that big stretch at the start of each rep. That's where the true value of the exercise lies.

Watch the quick video of this exercise in action here.


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Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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